Christian Sharia. Wow. Welcome to Saudi America.
Mississippi Republican Bans Female Reporter From Covering Him Alone
What he can’t trust himself to act like a decent person and not say or do anything inappropriate? Or maybe he just thinks women should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. I hope she gets the chance to ask him a ball busting question or two.
@SeaGreenEyez He’s full of BS. He is a sexist because he can be and has NO respect for women, including his wife.
Even assuming his "reason" are sincere, why does he simply not take his wife with him when he is being interviewed?
Better yet not do one on one interviews?
I call Bullshit, he is at best frightened of abuse allegations coming at a later date (true or false) or cannot control "little Robert" enough to stop him jumping up and saying hello when alone with a woman
this means the woman was kicked off the bus after several private interviews b4....this xian dickhead then doubled down and called her a liberal attacking his xian beliefs running for Governor.....bus seats can be reversed so that this little prick can sit on his throne while reporters and entourage can face forward seeing him next to his invisible geebush jeehobah ghostholes
Maybe that is his cover for a gay affair with another reporter ?