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When it is breakfast time my babies sit down at the verandah of their classrooms to enjoy their plain maize Porridge.

Humanist Schools do not operate like 'normal' schools. The challenges we face in making it work is enormous.
Most parents who trust their children with us are either secular or the school is the only in the village putting aside quality.

Will it be in order for me to use this platform to promote and lobby for financial support? Will it be successful?
That i live it to you members with this link. Any amount will put so many of these children in school.


Payizus 4 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Interesting topic. My mother goes to a megachurch in Bloomington IL, They support missions in places like Uganda and Haiti. They send a good deal of charity to missions in those countries, but the charity comes with a large dose of preaching.

I can imagine it's difficult for a non-religious group to compete.

BD66 Level 8 July 11, 2019

The missionaries in Uganda are replete with anti everything. Anti gay, anti women, anti body autonomy, anti thinking. But this is not the place for an appeal.

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