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Today my brother was baptized. My brother who was raised by atheists and myself also atheist, chose to go out and be baptized.

We support him as he joined the lutheran congregation that our family has had ties with for ever and has always been good to us regardless of our atheism, plus they don't preach antigay hate or anti-tolerance. As far as religious sects go, theyre more liberal and accepting so id rather him be there than covenant or catholic.

Still, spending sunday morning in church was not my idea of a fun morning

LadyAlyxandrea 8 July 14

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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We can’t live other people’s lives...they have a right to live it as they see fit! But, who knows how he will proceed over time? And, if he made the decision out of his free choice, then he can re-choose again if he likes! I guess the next step is how to handle your an atheist and to honor your own integrity! Good luck.


We Read and We Discuss. Go and listen to Rush or Hannity or youe Evangelical for guidance.

Oh yeah...great idea. Rush and Sean know everything.

Excuse you, what the fuck? I'm atheist and I'm talking about my brother who chose to be baptized into liberal Lutheran which isnt evangelical and also is less judgemental than your cranky ass. How's it feel to be more judgemental than christians?


Sorry but I don't see the point?


Sounds boring and pointless. The morning in church, that is.

1of5 Level 8 July 14, 2019
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