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Most Obese states are known for..... Religion, lack of education, conservative politics.

Least Obese states are known for..... Less religion, higher education, progressive politics (except Utah).

10 Most Obese States in America

  1. West Virginia (38.1 percent)
  2. Mississippi (37.3 percent)
  3. Oklahoma (36.5 percent)
  4. Iowa (36.4 percent)
  5. Alabama (36.3 percent)
  6. Louisiana (36.2 percent)
  7. Arkansas (35 percent)
  8. Kentucky (34.3 percent)
  9. Alaska (34.2 percent)
  10. South Carolina (34.1 percent)

10 Least Obese States

  1. Colorado (22.6 percent)
  2. District of Columbia (23 percent)
  3. Hawaii (23.8 percent)
  4. California (25.1 percent)
  5. Utah (25.3 percent)
  6. Montana (25.3 percent)
  7. New York (25.7 percent)
  8. Massachusetts (25.9 percent)
  9. Nevada (26.7 percent)
  10. Connecticut (26.9 percent)


St-Sinner 9 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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To be honest the American diet is so screwed up it is amazing we are alive at all. Grocery stores full ultra processed convenience junk packed with way to much sugar. I am guilty - Yes! Am I working on eating better - Yes! I don't understand why the u.s. diet is so terrible.


Did you notice that the most obese states are all red states?
Seven of the ten least obese states are blue states.
Did you ever notice that the reddest states are also the poorest states?



i have no stats on my state with regard to obesity but i myself am obese and i am an atheist. i have diabetes and my fibromyalgia and arthritis prevent me from exercising as much as i would like. i do my best but my best is not enough. do the stats about states take such things into consideration? i doubt it. you could probably figure out what kind of car theists and atheists drive and find some causation there too. it'd be bogus, but you could find it.



Utah is super religious and has conservative politics. Nice try though.


Totally because we all know fat people are stupid and lazy.......seriously if you NEED something to feel superior to other people, you're just a piece of shit human.


No one should feel superior because his state has only a 23% obesity rate. 23% is way too high also.

The only question should be how can we lose all that weight. It’s an individual problem and only individuals can solve their problem.

This constant ranking of states is somewhat misleading. You can find a great variety of attributes within the states and within cities.

Religion, conservatism, poverty, ignorance and lack of education cause all kinds of problems.

@St-Sinner You might be reading too much into your statistics. Correlation does not always imply cause.

In many cases there are various causes that have not been looked at. I see this a lot where people will reel off about every attribute they dislike and attempt to link those attributes together, thereby demonizing and stereotyping entire classes of people, portraying them as “the others”, the undesirables.

Just a little bit of thinking should upset your theory. Look at Al Gore, a very devout Baptist, considered a liberal Democrat. Is religion causing a lot of problems for him? And fellow multimillionaire Hillary Clinton is an evangelical Methodist.

Conservative ideals are very commendable IMO. Trying to link conservatism with ignorance and obesity is just going too far.

The poorest state by far is California, a blue state. Does that prove that voting democrat causes poverty?

That makes sense. Rich states like Alabama, Mississippi think Jesus walked on water and California is a poor state.

@St-Sinner California has a higher poverty rate than any other state:


Of course there is also a lot of wealth in California.

So far as Alabama and Mississippi, those states are not as poor as they seem. If you figure cost of living into the equation New York is poorer than Mississippi.


You are a classic case of inconvenient and convenient truths. Jesus resurrected but California is a poor state. You pick and choose the truth you like very selectively. Every state is good and bad in something. If New York is good in everything, it is still Yankees to the South.



There is no denying that California is a rich state with a bigger economy and exports in the world than the states sitting st the bottom in the nation in most good categories. Bill Maher's "America Most Stupid States" contest was constantly won by the Southern states.

@St-Sinner I haven’t said a word about the resurrection. Where does that come from?

You can not dispute that California’s poverty rate is the highest in the nation. So far as Alabama, Mississippi, and New Mexico, unless you figure in the cost of living you are talking about nothing. I should know because I’ve lived in both Alabama and Alaska. I can assure you that my retirement dollars go much farther in Alabama and that I live here with more abundance.

Why do you denigrate and disparage the South? Can you explain why you think that is a good thing to do? After all, according to your bio you live in Texas, a southern state. My grandmother used to say that if you can’t think of something good to say it’s best to say nothing.

So far as educational attainment, many of the southern states rank higher than the national average.


Alabama and Mississippi are only a couple of percentage points below the national average, hardly anything you’d notice unless you have an agenda to preach. I see that California ranks 51. Hmm...


I’m really not doing my part. Kentucky is only in the top ten and I think we could easily be a top five if we didn’t try harder.

All joking aside the margin between the highest and lowest obesity rates is only 16%. America is fat all over and even Colorado at 22.6% should not be holding it’s head too high.


Notice that 8 of the 10 most obese states are states that support Trump and that the majority of them are southern states. Bascially, they are states in which the population is not noted for good judgment.


Michigan is on the top list. And is full of stupidity. At the bottom of all lists for education and road conditions.

JacarC Level 8 July 18, 2019

That is what happens when this country becomes a Fast Food Nation!

Especially when it is cheaper to feed with fast food!

Agreed. Being poor and fat aren't signs of low intelligence. They are a symptom of modern life, specifically for the working poor.

Healthy food is 2.5 more expensive and goes bad more quickly, not a good choice to make when you can barely afford groceries at all. Gyms are also expensive. That 20$ a month means a lot when you make 18,000 a year and those two.or three hours a week you need to exercise are generally spent working or resting from the 50 + hour work week most working poor average. 

I get so damn tired of people shitting all over working people. They aren't making stupid choices. Most people simply don't understand the economics of working poverty and that makes the assholes who like to feel superior the actual ignorant fucks in this equation.


The most obese looks like the bible belt plus Alaska....


Makes sense. I'm surprised Florida is not at the top. Lol

Florida is 35 among 51. Does that make you happy?

@St-Sinner I surprised considering how religious they are here

@MrChange Certainly there's a whole lot of religion, but Florida is thoroughly diluted by people from all over the country having moved here. It is thoroughly diverse.


I think the biggest driver of this, is money

Meaning, I'd bet there's a strong link between "poor people food" and obesity. Also states with expanded Medicaid

@JamesUC population level stars don't work like that. Anyhow, if the local grocery store sells cases of crappy food for cheap, what would you expect most people to eat? Especially if they grew up eating it? And don't have the knowledge to make a choice? Youre not the average person.

Store that focus on selling "healthy" food can and will charge more for it, and they tend to only open in wealthier areas. Weirdly, the super saturation of Wal-Mart's and their huge distribution network, has actually helped with this.

Anyhow people are notorious for buying whatever stores are trying to sell them


Not at all surprised, not one bit.

You think Education and Progressive are correlated to Eating Habits and Obesity?

@St-Sinner how about using some intelligence towards dietary choices? I hear in America they got cheese in aerosol cans.

@oldFloyd Constipation in a can. It sure is good, though! (Personal note: I have not eaten any of that stuff in years, lol.)

@greyeyed123 that actually came from a national lampoon radio hour called immigrants, the hillbillies and their dreams and aspirations for their new life in America. Never tried it myself.

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