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Why can't cigarettes just go extinct already?

HockeyGuy 6 July 22

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I'm indifferent. We could go that direction with anything that is not healthy. Alcohol, junk food, etc. But I like that I live in a free country and they have the choice. It's up to them.


Growing up with a chain-smoking father, I thought this painting over the fireplace showed a Michigan farm in the Fall. It was glazed umber from tars and nicotine from Dad's cigarettes.

I had it professionally cleaned after a dryer fire. Lo and behold, it is a farm scene in winter.


Was thinking the same thing recently… To me, smoking is a form of slow sucicide.. Literally burning out your body ..and your one chance at life.

I’ll about ‘give it to’ those who began decades ago, before the ‘serotonin reuptake inhibitors’ became readily available. I now notice how anxious or paranoid smokers appear, assuming they should be on medication..

Someone recently pointed out how expensive cigarettes have become! Go ‘sin tax?’ Smoking saddens, and sickens me. We need a health system in my nation that helps smokers stop, and a government that no longer subsidizes tobacco.

Varn Level 8 July 22, 2019

Making them illegal won't work, but I believe what you're saying is you wish they were just not in existence anymore.

I'm with you!

Athena Level 8 July 22, 2019

A prohibition on cigarettes would have the same effect as the prohibition on drugs and alcohol...more use, more expensive, more criminals. Hardly worth the trade off.


I'm kind of apathetic to their continued use. Their life, their choice, not my problem. Ever since Iowa passed its Clean Air Act 11 years, ago, I've been able to enjoy smoke free bars and restuarants so I could finally go sing karaoke and go hear live music without a ton of secondhand smoke. The right side won for once, then it was no longer affecting me.


I agree - I saw my father suffer from COPD and emphaseyma - now someone else I love is suffering from chain smoking. I swore I would never get involved with a tobacco smoker after surviving leukemia -possibly from 2nd hand smoke. Why did the cig companies make it so addictive? MONEY AND GREED!


E-cigs have a new generation addicted to nicotine.


With all we know about how smoking causes cancer, I don't understand why anyone takes up smoking.

My father was a chain-smoker: he lit each cigarette from the last. At 16, I refused to join a family trip from Michigan to Colorado because I couldn't stand being cooped up in a car with Dad's cigarette smoke.

In the third grade, I vowed never to smoke. Dad died of cancer at age 51.

Yeah, my dad was a carton a week and died at 66 looking older than 100. Emaciated and wrinkled. I washed the yellow off the vinal headliner in the car and realized that stuff was in his lungs.

My mom and dad smoked 2-3 packs a day till they quit in their 50s-my mom is 91 and my dad died 5 years ago at 90. He was in and out of hospital and on oxygen and miserable though.

Witnessed my dad quit, the oldest of his kids, I apparently ‘got it.’ Though none of the 4 of us smoke.. He’d started running, did for decades, and had asked himself why he was both running & smoking? He’s now ninety.. I’m proud he stopped, and set an example for his children. Oh - said he’d started in the military - that if you didn’t smoke, you had to pick up the butts of those who did ..our fucked up military, at it again.


Many are addicted lack of real help

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2019

Cigarettes didn't become popular until World War I, when they were issued with soldier's rations. Prior to that time, they were seen as 'effeminate'.In the 1920's the tobacco companies embarked on mass-advertising campaigns, to boost cigarette sales.They succeeded, at least until the 1970s, when consumers started becoming more health-conscious. I've often wondered why the tobacco industry doesn't just switch over to marijuana? As legalization spreads, it would be the common-sense thing to do! The makers of 'Camels' could adapt a new logo, featuring a very stoned camel smoking a 'blunt'!


Too many people make money off them... I don't smoke at all... I like oxygen...


Because they evolve to survive in an ever changing world.

1of5 Level 8 July 22, 2019

yeah, that would be nice. It took me many years and a couple of heart attacks to put them away. they are a cancer. literally.

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