I am in a wheelchair (since 2013) i used to work with the elderly and disabled.I find it weird that some people will go out of their way to be helpful while others will not even make eye contact like looking might make them catch something.Most of them are the ones who go to church on sunday to be forgiven so they can be assholes for another week without feeling anything because the mythology they follow says they are forgiven.
My wife worked in care for years too, she is now wheel chair bound too, if there is a god the bastard has a warped sense of humour.
(I don't think for one moment there is, but it another example of the shit Christians like to just ignore.)
I spent a career taking care of people with various disabilities. Then at age 55 it caused me to have multiple health problems. No longer able to work full time. Caregivers in U.S. are treated very poorly. It is a discrace.
Odd, because I got chewed out by another person in a wheelchair who said any interest or inquiry that I might make to a disabled person is considered nosy and none of my business....I was told I was rude and a busy body for asking or trying to have a conversation with a stranger.
I conceded that it depends on the person...so, hello, sorry that you are being treated as being invisible...I, personally, have no guide book on what the rules are, so, thanks for speaking out and helping.
You just met someone who is miserable and wants others to be also
I think it maybe how a person was taught to interact with people who had a disability. I have never had a problem with acknowledging so.eone in a wheelchair. I have taught my children the same.
Sorry you run into so many.
Fear of the unknown I suspect. And we "abled" people get the exact same thing all the time......