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Going to buy more school supplies for the grands & to donate.....

Holy crap! Just priced my kindergarten grand's supply list. FFS! I'm gonna need a 2nd mortgage.

SallyInStitches 7 July 25

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Office Depot is selling notebooks for ten cents...


Getting pricey why?

bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2019

This is just the "must have" section of supplies:
3 boxes 24 pack crayons
2 - 8 packs Washable Markers (large)
1 - Child Size Scissors
1 - Plastic Pencil Box (8x5)
1 - Tablet Rased Ruling Primary Writing Paper 8x10
2 - Spiral Notebooks, single subject, wide ruled
1 - Large 12x18 White Construction Paper
8 Jumbo glue sticks
2 - Packs black dry erase markers
1 - Pocket Folder w/2 horizontal pockets
20 - #2 Pencils Pre-Sharpened Yellow w/erasers
1 - BIG Pink Block Eraser
1 - "Skinny" Highlighter Pack (multi colors)
1 - Pack "Fat" Dry Erase Markers (multi colors)
1 - Box Gallon Sized Zipper Storage Bages
2 - Boxes Tissues
1 - Pack Baby Wipes
1 - Large Bottle Hand Sanitizer

Following Items are optional but donations would be greatly appreciated:
Disinfectant wipes or Spray
1 Pack of Cardstock (assorted colors 8.5x11)
1 New Package of soft white toddler socks for use w/dry erase boards
1 box of Sandwich or Snack sized ziplock storage bags


I can remember when five bucks bought you a notebook, notebook paper, a ruler, a package of pencils, and a box of Crayola crayons!

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