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Are any of theses democrats worth voting for ???? This political cycle has limited options...should i jump out ofthe plane with no parachute or try to land it in the middle of the Pacific ocean???

Blackthought73 5 July 26

Enjoy being online again!

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The Dems might as well focus on 2024, they have no chance against Trump.

gater Level 7 July 26, 2019

One will have to be 😕

Varn Level 8 July 26, 2019

You could go to YouTube & watch 30 years of Bernie being consistent with his progressive ideas that all the other dem candidates have plagiarized......then ask yourself, do I want the original? Or a bunch of wannabes?

I can agree but I think Bernie is too old for POTUS today.

@DenoPenno 2 years older than the current WH denizen, and far more fit! Plus, not dumb.....

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