"Don't forget to put on your life jacket, honey,, in case you can't stop in time.." ...
You gave your children lifejackets??!!
@bigpawbullets My motherly nurturing side comes out by accident some times.. DON'T JUDGE ME MAAAAN!!
"Mom's protective nature".....proving once again how wrong generalizations can be.......
A boy does need a father figure in the home, as well as a mother -- for whatever reason.
I'd agree with that Walt. Although it appears others here have different opinions.
So then, in your opinion boys raised by lesbian couples and girls raised by gay couples are being raised at a deficit? Would it be better if they were in the foster system or raised by abusive/neglectful hetero parents? Just something for you to ponder
Unsure as I've no personal experience dealing with children raised in these environments.
@bigpawbullets You've never known of people raised in abusive/neglectful two parent, hetero envts?? Wow lucky you!
Damn.. I saw this shit down there coming a mile away..
I know what you're saying,, and agree.
Watch out Captain! Or you'll be tied to the whipping post next to mine!