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This is an open post. IF you notice me posting erratically, please free to smack me upside the head, either publicly or in a PM. I'm having seizures and might sometimes behave uncharacteristically or post odd things. Thank you.

BookDeath 8 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you see the Doctor soon? (((Hugs)))

Also that pic! 💜

@BookDeath []
I'm sure you've done research - but I remembered something about implantable devices and wanted to make sure you'd heard there is new tech coming forward. Large teaching hospitals are often the best for getting new things first!

@BookDeath exactly!


I'm curious, how well does spellchecker work when having a seizure?

1of5 Level 8 July 30, 2019

@BookDeath it doesn't not handle someone...?
Are you sure spellcheckers the real problem? 😉

@BookDeath well can't argue with that. I'm not nearly drunk and/or stoned enough for that - yet. Working on it though, quite jealous and trying to catch up.. 😉

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