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Occasionally I've seen threads devoted to discussion of profile pics. Folks who have (like myself fairly recently) used non- selfies as their icons have been castigated. For the record, here's my take on that whole thing: I don't really DGAF what you look like, as I'm not here for the dating scene. I'm interested only in the content of your posts, k? I'll judge you (or not) on that. Should anyone really care about what I look like, though, I've made both a pic AND an awesome portrait (now my profile pic for a bit) done by a local artist available on my profile page.

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BookDeath 8 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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OK I'm not as cute as the baby goat!

Carin Level 8 Aug 5, 2019

If they want to see what I look like now, as well as a few years ago, both kinds of pics are easily found.


Use whatever you want - please just don't steal another human's picture.
(Than you're a scammer. Or a twatapotamus.).

And I'm tired of being led into pornhub by scammers.
There's just not enough eye bleach..... and it's never Men. Just sayin'.
If I were a lesbian I'd be enjoying myself. Dammit.

Pro tip - use a photo that doesn't link to your other social sites here. Then people can't cyber stalk you as readily. Yes take a selfie - just for here. Or have a friend take it.


This IS my picture!.


The only time a profile pic matters to me is if it is somebody interested in dating and they are chatting me up for that reason. If that person does not have the courage to share an accurate picture of himself (wearing clothes, for pity's sake) then I will not be interested on any level. I'm not into guessing games.

Deb57 Level 8 July 30, 2019

@BookDeath I hate it when that happens. (It happens).


I like my avatar. Don’t care who doesn’t. If you want A real pic, there’s one (and intentionally only one) in my profile.

Rignor Level 7 July 30, 2019

A bit borderline on the rant side of the spectrum but gotta say, agree with it (Says the one with cartoon face and proud bogus name, IamNobody 😊)

@BookDeath None of my business to tell you what to do, neither to slap no one. My comments usually come off my mind as I type, no filter at all. That being said, I mean no harm by any stretch of the imagination. Actually your rant was quite amusing and entertaining.


Here's a tip: Use other members profile pics.


You feel free to put up what you want, I find them both fun & revealing! Hey, feel free to change if you wish, too!

I thought that was a requirement.


I get to know a person on here by their moniker. If there is a photo I guess it puts a "face with words" but let's be honest even if it's a photo you really have no idea if it is even that person. I think I'd rather know you by your words and postings here rather than a photo.

Henry agrees wholeheartedly

@IamNobody I knew I could count on you Henry!


If I'm curious will ask for a picture

bobwjr Level 10 July 30, 2019

I think people should do what they like here and it's your prerogative whether you wish to post photos of yourself, or not.

I include photos so people can see I'm a real person, and am the face behind my comments. I do take issue with people who don't include a photo of themselves, and then hide behind an avatar, so they can troll and insult people freely.

I will go after some of those people, happily showing my face while doing so.

Athena Level 8 July 30, 2019

I don't care what a person looks like either, but I do like an avatar of some sort just so I recognize it.

When people use the "standards", I get them all confused and have to double check to remember who they are...I recognized your posts by your pile of books, for instance and knew I was speaking to someone I had followed.

A cat, dog, cartoon, mask...I don't care...I use them as a visual memory tool, not to date or anything.

Excellent point.


I agree...

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