This is both heartbreaking and terrifying.
200 reindeer dead of starvation in Norway, apparently due to climate change
I'm not so sure I buy that explanation. They do not look like animals that were starved to death in the photo I saw on another article that showed them lying dead. Animals that actually starve to death are usually not much more than skin and bones.
That was a photo of healthy reindeer. Here's the reality from Smithsonian []
This is the photo I saw . . . .
Strange that in this photo, there appears to be no evidence of starvation, maybe it is some stock photo.
@Archeus_Lore I'm sure that's what it was. The article is bad enough without photos of the desiccated corpses
The earth and its wonderful animals are being devastated.
Do people eat Reindeer meat?
I wouldn't know. I don't eat any kind of meat
Neither do I.....I'm a vegan. @TheoryNumber3