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Trump and White House ask for the list of top spies in the United States -WTF!!!! Sue Gordon is the Deputy Director and would normally be the temporary Director when Coats leaves. But she does not wear a MAGA hat. Trump is going to politiciize National Security!!!! WTF!!!!! Meanwhile he wants to nominate Trump ally John RATcliffe!!!! WTF!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 2

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Need to know? I cannot believe anybody would throw these people under the bus, or even ask to.....


That means Trumpy is getting ready to clean house. The 'no' people will be fired, or forced into retirement. The 'yes' people will get promoted. Trumpy likes to be surrounded by 'yes' persons only.The last POTUS to engage in that kind of 'house cleaning' at CIA was JFK.

Really JFK - like to know more about that - any references I can follow up on? Thanks.

@sassygirl3869 Google JFK's firing of Allen Dulles.

@davknight thanks I will.

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