Tell me, what's your best argument against a Christian?
It depends on if I like them or not. If I like them I point out that their "truth" is based on faith and is geographical/tribal. Whereas mine is not.
If I don't like them? Then I tell them that Christianity does not work and they know it. When they argue I give em a slap and wait for them to retaliate, rather than turning the other cheek
Why would I argue with a xstian? That's like having a conversation with a doorknob.
"I am writer, you see, and I'm writing this story."
"About a perfect car mechanic. Everyone takes their car to him to fix because he's perfect, you see? Well, after he fixes them, none of their cars run. Not one."
"Why is that?"
"Free will."
"What? That doesn't make sense. Nobody will buy that story."
Why bother ? They have their beliefs and I have mine . Quite sure they're no more interested in hearing my thoughts on the subject , than I am of hearing theirs . On the other hand , while I don't know everything about the topic , I attended Sunday school for a couple of decades , and I find I usually know more about their topic than they do . So when they come knocking , I have , on more than one occasion told they what it actually says , then told them to go home and read their Bible . Perhaps by actually reading it , in time they'll realize the same things I did .
I haven’t had the “opportunity” to actually argue with anyone on religion. I don’t bring my lack-of-religion up with people, just like I don’t want them to bring up their religion. But religion is SO prevalent here it’s almost impossible to avoid.
HOWEVER, a colleague of mine had as asked for a ride home from a conference in Austin this week. This is a long, four-hour drive to where I’ll drop her off. We already clash on several issues, including our management styles, but she is also Jehovah’s Witness (I believe). Who knows what conversation might take place. Any tips are appreciated. LOL
I actually have a good friend who's a Jahova. It's the source of all our disagreement on other issues. I don't really care that she believes in a God and that nonsense, but she has right wing social conservative views on many issues I don't think are her business. That said she's very open to challenging conversation about things, I even had an hour long talk with her once about the cover-up of sexual abuse within the hierarchy of the JW church
@PolyComrade It will be an interesting car ride for sure. I doubt religion will come up, but it is four hours. lol
If it comes up just tell her you don't discuss religion & politics, and don't.
I've had a little luck with this conversation...
Me: What's your view of heaven?
Them: Its perfect, no tears, no sorrow, worshiping God forever, etc...
Me: Will you know people in heaven?
Them: Of course, my friends, loved ones, etc...
Me: Have you ever cared for anyone who isn't a Christian?
Them: Of course. (At least I've never had anyone say no.)
Me: So in 100 years when you're in heaven, and if they never become Christian, where will they be?
Them: Well, they'll be in hell I guess, unfortunately, it was their choice, etc, etc...
Me: Does that make you sad?
Them: Of course!!
Me: What about in 100 years?...
Them: Confused look, starting to think...
Me: In 100 years you'll be in heaven... Either you'll spend the rest of eternity in heaven, thinking of your friends/ loved ones who aren't there burning in hell for "their" eternity, which makes heaven a hell of it's own... Or... God will "selectively" wipe your memory of anyone you ever cared about who wasn't a Christian, which means you would be a shadow of your former self. (As he would have to do to everyone else there.)
Then I usually tell them a quick story about my dad, who wasn't a Christian, and if I end up in heaven and ask God/Jesus where my dad is, presuming God tells the truth, how can I live an eternity with that knowledge, and how does that make heaven perfect?
This might be elementary for people on this site, but in my experience few Christians have thought it out this far. (As a former Christian I did, and that's part of why I left the faith.) Sometimes they try to justify God, mysterious ways, etc, etc, but most of the time it makes them think, and I've even had a few who've said "good point." Regardless, they can't un-hear it.
Me: What if your child never becomes a Christian?...
Man made in God's image? Look around you...
This kind demonstrates that if we are made in the image of this deity, and this super-being does everything perfectly then just look at the human race. I nowadays point out my physical failings, I'm not the beautiful young man I was was. Even then I had allergies and asthma. Lets look at autism or cancer.. maybe not that intelligent of a design - bad backs and fatalities of childbirth must support it was a dumb God then.
Prove it.
Then there is always Eric . . . who warps what little bit of brain cells they have . . . .
"God can't exist because of Eric The God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is God-Eating by definition, he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, He automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten. Unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. Even if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, that same proof will also be applicable to God. There are only two possibilities - either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist or you can't - in both cases it logically follows that God doesn't exist."
Does he have a friend who is half a bee?
Last week I argued with my very good friend on the idea if animals, specifically dogs, go to heaven. My friend was super serious about it and told me I needed to read the Bible and I just kept saying to her “but didn’t you see the movie ‘all dogs go to heaven?’ You can’t argue with it!”
We had a good laugh about it.
I do not argue with Christians, or any other religious group. As long as they don't try to foist their religion on me I couldn't care less what they believe. When they do try to convert me I just tell them I am godless, not interested, and to have a nice day. I have yet to have anyone get all up in my face about it.
and 2nd degree burns.
but you can't live without it. but is suppose a real god could wouldn't have allowed us to become fair skinned.
I generally don't waste my time arguing. I am not honestly all that interested in converting people to accept my beliefs. I have changed my beliefs, I have been wrong, and I am sure I will change them again in some ways over the future. Plus it all feels rather evangelical and prostulatizing to me, which is something I have a strong distaste for. I hate when people push their beliefs and values on me so why would I do it to them?
I try not to have arguments.
But that's how you get to know... someone that remains a mystery
Where’s the proof? That’s all you have to say. They will counter with it’s in the bible....which of course we know is a work of fiction written by a consortium over an indeterminate period of time....but undaunted they will then say that it was inspired by god...the argument has already been lost, but they will still keep plugging on. My advice is don’t even start trying to convince them because it all boils down to them having “blind faith” and you having logic and reason...and never the twain shall meet!
I ask for evidence that what they tell me is true. When they respond, I show them how their "evidence" is based only on blind faith.
@daylily It rarely works to de-convert Xians. But it does cause them to leave me alone, of which I am glad.
@daylily Looking back on my own enlightenment: There were people who planted seeds of doubt in my head. They did not see the seeds sprout, grow, or bear fruit. I have lost contact with them, but I wish I could thank them. If I can plant seeds of doubt in Xians, they may someday bear fruit, whether I am there to see it or not. So, I think I'll continue demanding evidence rather than just telling them to "go away."
Let me, just for amusement, offer the WORST argument against the existence of god that I have ever heard an atheist utter.
It was an argument I heard about 10 years ago - and I must confess, when I heard it, my jaw dropped open and I thought 'What the FUCK???'
The argument went like this:-
If god exists in heaven, somewhere up in the sky, then when birds fly they would be nearer heaven and nearer god - filling them with joy and happiness.
Those birds would, of course, express their delight with joyful song.
However, when those birds descended, they would be further from god, and would feel sorrow - and because of this they would no longer sing.
God's non-existence is therefore 'proven' by the fact that birds still sing at ground level.