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I've been so sick of "thoughts and prayers" being bandied about for so long. Even those who are religious must see how ridiculous it is to say it when America has had 2 mass murders within 24 hours.

Pamscwf1 7 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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It is a way of deflecting people from the problems . . . . instead of them thinking about what is causing the problems, they are encouraged to do something that is essentially meaningless.


Obviously someone isn't praying, probably athiests. That's why thoughts and prayers don't work, silly, not everyone is doing it right.

So it's your fault it doesn't work. Murderer.

1of5 Level 8 Aug 4, 2019

Guilty … though as (to the best of my recollection) Madalyn Murray O’Hair said, “Hands that do are far better than hands that pray” … we Atheists are the doers. We’ll be phone-banking, walking - knocking & talking, writing checks, LTE’s, contributing to social media … in order to elect members of a political party who are ready to take this issue on!

@Varna yippie for us. Its been working like a dream so far, maybe the body count is finnally high enough.

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