My friend managed to get the Baby Trump blimp here in Dayton, Ohio to let the orange one know he is NOT wanted in this city. Fucking go to the “Toledo shooting” you dick! (He got the Ohio city mixed up from the mass shooting)
TrumpOLINI is indeed a dick head....who else but a tiny penis tiny fingered twit would pay over 100 thousand dollars to grab a "pussy" ? Makes rapist William Jefferson Bleigh alias Clinton seem like a boy scout....if he was not worried all the time about his narcissistic bragging he could learn from briefings and studies that matter....nope he is a thief and bankrupting the nation cutting taxes and flushing borrowed money from China down the Pentagon war criminals toilet
As they said in my generation: “Sock it to him, sock it to him!l He is just going to use these visits to blow smoke about himself anyway, the man has no empathy. His handlers are surely pushing him to do this for photo ops. The moment he starts to talk about himself, everyone should just walk away, leave him standing with his small group of disciples.
He's a fucking idiot! Somebody shoot him already!
I would not worry. He will probably show up in Dayton Kentucky by mistake.
@ProudMerrie That’s preferable.