Can you logically be both a White Supremacist and a Christian?
Sure, because your gawd wants you to reign over the rest of us so you can require us to worship him.
If you can worship a Jew while simultaneously being anti-semitic you can pretty much do anything.
I think your's is the best comment on my post. Funny and meaningful. Good work.
🥴Can you logically be a Christian?. No. So since it’s illogical to believe in that generalized silliness, why not white supremacy too?
The Bible is a horrible book relating stories of God condoning killing non believers in order to take their land. It supports slavery, misogyny, and xenophobia. Why would you think racism is not right in there with the rest of it?
Don't forget rape and incest
Depends which kind of Christian but yeah. The standard for Christianity for the past few hundred years would mostly have no problem with it. Only the newer brand of liberal Christianity is displaying the bare minimum of logic by admitting shit like that isn’t OK. There’s a way to interpret Jesus as a radical political dissident, who fights the power, fucks up greedy bastards in the temple, speaks against religious and political hypocrites and turns the other cheek as a way of daring a soldier to slap him with his asswiping hand. If one must practice Christianity, that’s the cooler way to do it. But I try to stay away from claiming any ideology as mine if it’s something I’ll have to dramatically reinterpret to get away from its use to justify genocide.
Christianity is very flexible. You can be one and be a white supremacist, a scammer, have a lover, abort or make her abort, be a pedophile, a con-artist, a racist, hate your neighbors, kill your spouse to be with someone else & collect the insurance money, be rich and not help your family or the needy, etc...
It all works well when you go to church on Sunday and feel blessed!
I wouldn't think so but it certainly appears a lot of people who call themselves Christians also are clearly white supremacists.
Nazis were Christian. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I’m from Georgia and was one of most confusing things growing up especially when you say that Jesus is probably not white
That's actually my point. I know many people here don't believe Jesus of Nazareth existed, but if he did, he never met a "White person."
You're not familiar with history and that Manifest Destiny thing then?
Apparently they can, as many in this part of the US are. I am not sure what bible they use as they claim whites being god's chosen and superior is biblical. Just yesterday a neighbor posted that jesus really was blue eyed and blond as he was divine.
I can tell you specifically. There bible talks of 3 routers. Shem ham and Japheth. Ham was supposed to be black and did something and god cursed him. Most people say then that his descendants which are black are cursed too. I don’t believe this bull shit I’m just telling you what I’ve had to endure hearing growing up
Where does logic present itself in religious hybrid discourse?
Ask Jimmy Swaggert, Joel, Pat, Mike Pence, Dave Dukes, Oral Roberts, Paul Ryan, Comrad Turdle. The Bigotry Brigade.
Considering that neither one of those mindsets is logical crazy people have the ability to consider themselves whatever they want and just change the rules to fit their psychoses