Can you logically be both a White Supremacist and a Christian?
Christianity isn't logical, and white supremacy isn't logical either. Therefore these things go together like flying bacon and unicorn farts.
I wish more people would realize that race is technology, like microwave ovens, or phone bills.
Just ask Mussolini and Hitler, oh that's right they are dead!
Both were raise Christian!
They should answer your question!!!
I don't see how a person can be a white supremacist and simultaneously claim to follow the New Testament Scripture: Love thy Neighbor, Live in Peace. That part goes right out the window. It's more like Love thy White Neighbor and vilify everybody else. Consider non-white people vermin, subhuman, and their existence an can that possibly fit in with the teachings of Jesus Christ? I really am surprised that more liberal and moderate Christians don't stand up and do more to stop and rebuke the brand of people who support White Power and White Nationalism. Many of these people are in positions of political power.