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Starting to pursue wicca. Any thoughts or advise?

ZaddyP 3 Aug 11

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Why? Must you have a "religion"? And if so, why are you here?

I don't require a religion just thought to explore different perspectives and started there.


My thought is why? what is the point? There is no such thing as magic or hexes or whatever so why bother?


Remember; We're Agnostic. Do you comprehend what that means? How that concept applies to religions, myths and superstitions?


noun a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
synonyms: sceptic, doubter, questioner, doubting Thomas, challenger, scoffer, cynic; More

adjective: agnostic relating to agnostics or agnosticism.
synonyms: skeptical, doubting, questioning, unsure, cynical, unbelieving, disbelieving, nonbelieving, faithless, irreligious;

Get it? There's lots of Wiccan and other myth followers on Facebook. Go there.

@Allamanda I thought I was pretty empathetic. I have a strict policy of not putting folks down if they need re-direction...I won't call names or pull ad-hominem teachers learn to be careful about correcting folk. How would you suggest I be "more gentle"?

@Robecology Your tone isn't gentle. "Do you comprehend what that means?" "Get it? ... Go there." You are definitely talking down to the OP even if you are avoiding ad hominem. Not that I don't share your puzzlement about the OP's choice of venue, but @Allamanda is right - there is definitely room for you to be more gentle.

@vertrauen OK...I wasn't gentle.

I just get a little steamed when folks come on and act like they don't know what Agnostic means.

Then they ask if it's a good idea to be spiritual/wican/religious.

That's called proselytizing.

To me they're being naive, ignorant, and they not only don't belong here asking those questions....

they should go where they're accepted and welcomed.

There's plenty of Faith based groups on FB.

There's none - not one - here on

If you're sympathetic to them; then you should do the same.

Recognize what Agnostic means.

If you're not sure you're an agnostic - and ask me about Wican, I will say exactly what I said, above.

If you don't like it/me....block me...but do consider signing off of

@vertrauen ohferpetesszke, IMO people who post about religion, any religion, (s0ecifically,join8ng one!) on this site are Clearly confrontational and/or delusional and deserve exactly what they are needlessly being hostile to a fellow-traveler who has, in a very real sense, been accosted in what they felt was a safe place, as did i....


Put de lime in de coconut it make you feel better.
Put de lime in de coconut an drink dem bote togeter.
Put de lime in de coconut an drink it on down.
Put de lime in de coconut an call me in de mornin'.

There ya go.... first lesson in witchcraft.


Wicca or Paganism/witchcraft?
Wicca is like Catholicism for pagans: very structured with a hierarchy. It’s based on Paganism and vegans around 60 years ago.
Paganism is much older, it’s polytheism. Many gods. Some worship with groups, others are solitary and join groups only occasionally. There are many mythologies to choose from, such as Greek, Roman, Norse, etc; or Eclectic(various deities from many mythologies).
I tried both Wicca and Paganism in my time of searching and questioning.

Thanks for your feedback. Some insight was all I was asking. Not judgement and ridicule like some jerks(@robecology) gave

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