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Do fatherless boys become mass murderers?

Search the web and decide.

yvilletom 8 Aug 12

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Because a drunken wife-beater in Every home is SO HELPFUL!

Anne, I’m saddened that some men do that.
I was about nine when I heard from an aunt on my mother’s side of the family, “If he hits me one time, there won’t be a second time.”

@yvilletom not so easy in late 60's deep south with a young shelters, no hotlines, practically a hobby for the men, cops:" try harder to please him"


Many studies seem to be swaying towards children experiencing childhood trauma as being a contributing factor to violence. It certainly is not going to be unusual for men / fathers to be capable of inflicting trauma and abuse.


Not really isolated incident they all may be fatherless but that then means mother failed even then too small a group to draw conclusions of all fatherless boys how many do this very low number

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2019

I've met many kind, decent men in my life whose father's were complete assholes. The paternal presence in the family didn't nurture or protect the children, it damaged them.

Why aren't motherless girls mass murdering?

You always steal my lines 😁


It's much easier to steal when you're small and can hide under a fridge. 🙂

@Athena I knew there was a reason I can't always find you... ☺️

I agree. I'm not against the idea that having a loving, caring, sensitive Father Figure is a negative thing. I believe that we cannot be lulled into the idea of having any Father Figure is a positive one.


A more important issue is why all the mass shooters in the US are white. Oh, and have access to AK-47s.

UUNJ Level 8 Aug 12, 2019

Warren Farrell has written much about boys and was interviewed on BOOK-TV at CSPAN this weekend. He did not speak on this point but his talk started me to thinking on it. Among his credentials is that he was once a National Organization for Women board member.

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