The NRA responds to El Passo and Dayton shootings. Outrageously says the real problem is the effort to destroy the NRA? What do you think? Is the NRA shirking responsibility with mass shootings increasing?
I was listening to a discussion regarding guns and common misconceptions held about them. I learned that most guns are semi-automatics. So regulating semi-automatics means regulating most guns.
That is an extremist organization,and in a country not as skewed to the right as America currently is,would be investigated,and minimized.
Because body count is irrelevant compared to the NRA thriving. WTF???!
NRA response is manufactured propagandist superstition that regulation of semi- and automatic weapons used in mass murders will take away the rights of good gun owners to protect us. That's twisted, because where were all the good gun owners when the murdered victims needed protection?
The New Russian Army, formerly known as the NRA, does not represent me, a gun owner. Nor does it represent 90% of gun owners in this country.
My father dropped his membership before I did, mostly because I was a hunter. He hated that they were pushing for greater acceptance of assault style weapons. I realized later that hunting had become secondary to their firearm industry lobby and their desire to completely deregulate all firearms.
Safety and marksmanship? Yeah, all that has been replaced with marketing, fundraising, and promulgating hardcore far right wing politics.