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So THAT'S what happened to all the other boats during the Great Flood...

I actually asked this once, in high school,
"Where were all the other boats during the flood?"
I was told by some teen dude that,
"Until then, humans didn't know how to build boats."
"So Noah was the first boat builder?"

NoPlanetB 8 Aug 19

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What a great conversation between God and Noah!

God: Noah build an ark!
Noah: A what?
An ark!
Sorry God, no idea what that is!
A Boat Noah! I want you to build a big boat!
Once again not following you.
A cart that floats!
Ohhh a cart... right away!
One that floats... you don't know what floating is, do you Noah?
Well God, it isn’t like you go around teaching us science.


All the powerplants survived?


Aw come on, it would have been a bit brace they didn't have electric back then.πŸ˜‚

God, powered it.

@Jazzman oh, nevermind. πŸ˜†(see Roseanne Roseannadanna)

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