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So there is a condolence card in the break room for one of my coworkers who’s dad just died. It has a bible verse on the front and may God give you peace stuff inside. I don’t really want to put my name on it. Would you?

LisaL81 7 Aug 22

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Don't worry, you'll mellow with time, and experience being so touchy about things. In the meantime just do whatever feels right, and try to not place so much importance on how you think some might see you.

that was good advice.

13 won’t turn into a pumpkin or anything...just put your name to it like everyone else, it’s not about you , it’s about showing that you are with your coworkers in an expression of condolence.



I certainly would .My first action would be to attempt to help the person emotionally.The last thing i would do is to serve my own self interest This is highly insensitive in my view .

granny Level 6 Aug 22, 2019

Yes I definitely would .If you like your coworker why the heck would you not want to attempt to make them feel better at a time like this .Let people believe in their fairytales .I believe in shoving my non belief aside to make another person feel better .


Death isn't about you, it is about comforting the bereaved...if this coworker was religious and/or his family is, this would be an appropriate thing to send. By signing it, you are not in any way endorsing religion. It is not a petition.


Yes ,I tend to think about other people’s feelings before my own .


Of course I would sign it .My first thought in this matter would be to feel empathy for the individual not about my self .

The co-worker may not be religious.


Absolutely. As an atheist, I have no faith in a deity, but would not choose another's time of grief to promote that viewpoint. Such a tactic is notoriously used by the J.W.s


Ya, well, I would! That's not the time to take a stand or make a "political" statement,
so to speak. "Just do it"!


Condolences are not a statement of your belief

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2019

Is he religious / believer ? If yes , I would . It doesn't matter . It's about his darkest moment , he lost a parent . Is not about me or god right now . Who cares . Definitely not the coworker . Losing a parent is hard 🙁 Losing gods and devils is easy . Not real .


I would as a formality. I would not make a fuss about it at work. He or she is just another individual who happens to believe in Jesus. If you can talk to him or her, you can surely sign the note.

There are a lot of other places to do it (like here 🙂


Yes, I would.

In situations like this, I always offer to do something for them if they need it want. (As opposed to the useless thoughts and prayers.) Losing someone sucks, and knowing people are really there to help is comforting.


If you have to ask this question it is pitiful .

Being self centered and thinking of yourself instead of the other individual


I don’t see a problem with putting your name on it. Why raise a stink over nothing? What could it possibly hurt. It’s just being courteous and I’m sure you won’t go to hell for doing it.


Sure, this is not about me, but them. l lose nothing by signing, and if it gives them the slightest bit of comfort, that is what is important. That is me. You have to do what you feel is best.


Yes. Sign it. I just say things like "My thoughts are with you and let me know what I can do."
I let others pray for them, etc.


yes don't even think of saying no


Yes I would. It isn't about you. It's about their loss and grief and how they deal with it.


Yes I would. You can just sign your name or say you're in my thoughts, etc. It's about them right now.

Exactly. Miss out "and prayers" and they might just be smart enough to figure it out.


Yeah, I would hold my nose and do it. There are times in life when it’s not about me.

skado Level 9 Aug 22, 2019

I would write a short note on the card with your name. “My deepest condolences in this time of grief”.


I would sign it, because it's all about comforting your coworker. A simple "thinking of you", or something along that line would be appropriate.


Yes I would put my name on it. Geez. The card is not about you.


I do, as I'm not doing it for myself but for my co-worker. I write a simple non religious condolence.


I'd either sign it or get a card of my own to give the cowerker.

I agree with either signing the card, or get your own card for them.

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