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Hello, hello, anyone there?

Jolanta 9 Aug 31

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As he destroys the fabric of American society😠


Just a chosen one hearing voices again.😟😧😲😖


Nobody home


WHERE are the idiotic Trump supporters here, who describe him as a genius?

Please, come forth to provide a satisfactory defense for this doofus.

There's a whole group here for Trump supporters!

Someone who goes by "gater" calls me "stupid" and insists that Trump is a genius, as he believes there's no such thing as a dumb billionaire.. We've had it out more than once, but I've come to realize you can't reason with an idiot.

Yes! He also declared bankruptcy 6 times.



I couldn't look up his profile, but thank you for telling me that. What a complete doofus. I could have saved myself a lot of time.. but testing him to shreds was pretty fun, I must admit. 😈
Anyway, I'm pretty sure he whacks off to posters of Trump on his ceiling.


This is because Trump made it all up as usual. he simply has to say something to keep everything about himself going. The Chosen one is the king of alternative facts.

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