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The religion of "peace" : : : List of Killings in the Name of Islam: 35555 deadly attacks since 9-11 . . . .

The Last 30 Days: . . .
124 Islamic attacks
26 countries
527 people killed
949 injured.


We are still in the age of the religious wars.

JacarC 8 Sep 1

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That's almost as many as here in the USA from religious white fascists......


At the very least 100,000 violent deaths in Iraq, including over 60,000 civilian deaths, since the beginning of America's "crusade" against Islamic terrorism in a war which had absolutely no connection with terrorism. Mind you, the word "crusade" was used by Bush himself, as well as a prominent General in a public speech.

The Iraq war was effectively a recruiting campaign for Al Qaeda. Americans who thought they were fighting terrorism were lied to horribly. And they largely thought it was God's will to go to Iraq and shoot anyone suspected of being associated with the terrorists, not to mention torture them in Saddam's old prisons (America being the religious nation we are).

I'm sorry, were you making some point about Muslims killing people?

Mostly it is muslims killing muslims. And: islam has been spread by the sword for more that 1400 years, 1100 without any sense of reality. It is continuing. The increase in adherents in the past 40 years is evidence of the danger of the spread of this 'intellectual' darkness.
This is not new. How did Thomas Jefferson respond to the islamic threats?

1400 years of violent expansion. We have only been responding for those many years.

They started it. And I don’t want them to win. Do you? Really?


No doubt. I would like a list of Hindu, Buddist, and Christian as well, rather than attack just one. I believe all would be rather high; it just seems Islam is higher due to "Christian" countries news. A lot is going on in India right now, under reported. And in Myanmar, etc.

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