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It's 9:11 on 9-11
Don't forget

Captain_Feelgood 8 Sep 11

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Kind f hard to forget what those radical Islamic idiots did on that day.

Or, George Bush/Dick Cheney........

@AnneWimsey So you think Al Gore would have been better? I doubt it.

@Trajan61 I am talking about the rather interesting rumors that the whole thing was planned....WTH did we not blame the actual perpetrators, 12 out of the 14 involved were Saudis!!? Oil, yup, oil.......

@AnneWimsey The Saudi government had nothing to do with 9/11 even though they were Saudi citizens. The Afghan government was responsible for that because they were harboring them.

@Trajan61 ooookkkkaaaayyyyyyy........


Hugs to everyone!

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