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Here is a challenge to everyone to think about how we can do better than capitalism and create a better future. ..................................................................................................

When Workers Own Companies, The Economy Is More Resilient ... TedTalk by Niki Okuk
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What are your insights about why capitalism does not work for yours or your family's futures?

AnonySchmoose 8 Sep 12

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Capitalism has served its purpose. It’s time to move beyond it by not just modifying it but by leaving it completely behind. We just need to find a model of a new economy that we can move forward with.

Rbe is more sustainable system for our time

@Neenz Found this quickly

The Economy of the Future: RBE


@Kodiamus it's the only way to go if we truly want to survive


This does not answer your question directly but it might be of interest. For a short time I wrote a blog and this is one post from it. The total readership is probably in single figures but try it anyway. []

Senex Level 5 Sep 12, 2019

I saw a Ted talk suggesting to vote using digital representation of each constituent. Each individual has a robotic representation on a governmental website which is digital votes to pass any bill but can't find it again to share it bette :/


Money need to be removed from our life. It's like religion served a purpose when we were ignorant and knew nothing better. Now we have so much to in our power to make asignificant system change especially in this era of enlightenment
Please join the "Let's Unite" Group group it's very new but ready to start serious discussions to finding real solutions to our global problems outside the control of governments countries traditions and cultures.. global citizens United and force a drastic change to suit our pressing times needs and concerns for a better future to all based on scientific methods logic and common interest

Neenz Level 7 Sep 12, 2019

Capitalism has too few winners. Wealth and resources are not shared, while money talks.. ..wealth stratification and income inequality get worse … until the pitchforks come out..

The US appears to be in a unique position; Capitalism worked when exploiting the resources of a ‘virgin continent.’ As the winner (not merely a survivor) of WW2, ‘we’ ruled the world, exporting ‘our culture’ and political methods.

The world’s caught up, and we’ve serious competition.. Those within the US ..either unaware of or ignoring that world, want the good times back! Instead of experiencing increased wages, technology and opportunities, as have the bulk of the world, US citizens have watched their earning power and job security disappear, to both technology and ‘that world.’

Capitalism works with limitless resources. Communism, at the other end of the spectrum, doesn’t work due to human laziness.. What works is in the middle, constantly adjusting to economic realities and social needs, Socialism. Capitalism & Communism work for a select few; Socialism works for all. Thus, the Republican Parties recent war on Socialism…

Varn Level 8 Sep 12, 2019
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