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I find it quite interesting that the president wants to take immediate action as it concerns children vaping by taking some products off the market. So far, we have seen about six children die from vaping related illnesses.

I find it quite infuriating that the president and other Republicans want to do nothing to curb gun violence with over 50,000 gun related deaths annually.

I can say more, but you ge the gist of this thought.

SageDave 7 Sep 12

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This is just another distraction.


The ones who argue the loudest are the ones who shoot AKs and ARs for "fun."
Trolls 😕


SOP for Republican party

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 12, 2019


What does "SOP" mean? Please spell it out.

Clear communication is essential.

@LiterateHiker standard operating procedure very common nomenclature


It's common to YOU.


Nearly 40,000 Americans died from gun violence last year, the highest in 50 years.

@Bushshaker and the correlation is...?


Im glad hes not bombing iran or trying to throw any of his cabinet members under the bus.

A lot of his cabinet members deserve to be thrown under buses, as does he.

But keeping wars limited to trade and Twitter I guess is an accomplishment.

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