Nixon knew about a break in and Clinton got head impeached right away. With Trump countless law breaking, corruption, consorting with dictators, racist and lying. Nothing happens. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
What is going on is that we have a corrupt and complicit Republican party who will not convict in the Senate because they like all of the shit he is doing: attacking public lands and the environment; catering to the American Taliban (aka Evangelicals); pro rich tax policies etc...
#moscowmitch leading the Senate is the problem. He's stated any articles of impeachmrnt from the house are "dead on arrival". The backlash of the Clinton impeachment failure keeps holding the dems back.
Fuck #moscowMitch with a dozen cacti.
Clinton deserves a pat on his back for a blow job, it's his wife could of gave him shit.
As long as we are taking about him, he will be popular. The greatest trick he pull off is he made the people believe he was one of them.
According to the right wing he was placed I office by the will of god so they are protecting him and since religious purple are the majority in the united States that's going to make it difficult to remove him he may go as far as to declare war if he does not get re-elected because he cannot be removed from office during a time of war
Real good points.