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Trump calling it fake news is how you know it's true -- impeach the traitor!

Donald J. Trump:
Another Fake News story out there - It never ends! Virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be many people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem!
....Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially “heavily populated” call. I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!


Sounds good. So you're fine with releasing the information presented by the whistleblower.
After all, it's "No problem!"

our president's denial is all the proof you need that the story is 100% true

Oh that whistleblower complaint is 100% real news. No one disputes that, you POS orange fuckblob.

The #Whistleblower said it was urgent. The inspector general agreed it was urgent and went over the DNI’s head to tell Congress.
All of that doesn’t happen if it’s only a routine phone call with no damaging statements or “promises” made.

Trump spoke on the phone to an undisclosed foreign leader (probably Putin) and made some promises that were so unsavory that an intelligence officer made a whistleblower complaint that was important enough for the Inspector General to say it was “both credible and urgent.”
The difference between thinly sourced “fake news,” which does happen so we have to be careful, and this particular story is that the Inspector General in a verified way stated on record that the whistleblower complaint was credible and urgent. The source is real and documented.
Since this story is very much real, Congressman Adam Schiff has the legal authority to compel the whistleblower documents be sent to the House Intelligence Committee for review. He can subpoena everything which by law should have been sent to him anyway. Trump is covering it up.

jerry99 8 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I wouldnt speculate about Putin. I can see Trump talking to Israel or Saudi Arabia or Britain or either Korea, and promising support of some sort. And even if its Micronesia, its be a big deal if hes subverting congress, diplomacy, and treaties. Hge doeent get it, as far as how his job works. He could be trying to broker something with a millitary coup leader somewhere. Or a banker in Rusdia. Nothing would surprise me.

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