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Trump is having his EPA control homelessness in California. WTF!!! No more States Rights?

sassygirl3869 9 Sep 19

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Trump simply hates California almost as much as he hates Obama. California is an overwhelmingly Democratic state with a great economy dealing with environmental issues far better than the US gov't.


A Trumpian EPA's solution for homelessness would be to spray them with 'Roundup'. To a developer like Trump, the homeless are just a bunch of noxious 'weeds'!


at the same time, why shouldnt the feds be involved? there have been many cases of toxic cleanup needed after a camp was set up, and its not like the states are promoting these camps- it should be a shared burden. PLus, at least in some cases, theres evidence at least half of long term homeless folk in the bigger cities, are not from that city or even that state. So why make the state solely responsible?

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