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Internaționala Panteistă-Protectivă a Familiei Terra/The International Pantheist-Protective of the Terra Family /L'Internationale Panthéiste-Protective de la Famille Terre:
Sculați, în voi este Salvare,/ Voi, protectivi, benefici Zei* . / Unire, Terrieni, în Fire/ Și Lumea va scăpa de răutăți.
Din Ceruri și Pământuri și Iubire, / Răbdare, Geniu sunt formate. / Cât mai avem încă suflare,/ Să facem pentru Viață Pace.
Hai la Pacea cea mare, / Zeu și Serv să ne-asumăm. / Familia Terra/ Cu toți să protejăm.
Pace, nu război e geofylaxie,/ Părinți, Copii ai unui vis. / Protectivitatea/ E necesar să apărăm.

  • Zei=ființe superioare, evoluante ale Terrei. 

Get up, in you there is Salvation, / You, the protective, well-doing Gods* . / Union, Terrians, in Being/ And the World will get rid of wrongs.
From Skies and Earths and Love sincere, / Patience and Genius have been formed. / As long as we have still a breathing,/ For Life's sake, let us make good Peace.
Let's come to Peace the great, / God and Serf to-assume ourselves. / The Family Terra/ We all to protect.
Peace, not war is geophylaxy,/ Parents and Children of one dream. / The Protectivity, /It is necessary to defend.

  • Gods=superior, evolving beings of Terra/Earth.

Debout, en vous est le Salut, / Vous, Dieux* protectifs, bénéfiques. / Union, Terriens, en Être / Et le Monde échappera aux maux.
Des Cieux, des Terres, de l'Amour sincère, / Patience et Génie sont formé Tant que nous avons encore un souffle, / Pour la Vie, faisons la bonne Paix.
Venons à la Paix grande, / Dieu et Serf, assumons-nous. / La Terre Famille / Nous tous protégeons-la.
Paix, non guerre est géophylaxie,/ Parents et Enfants d'un rêve. / La Protectivité, / C'est nécessaire de la défendre.

  • Dieux=êtres supérieurs, évoluants de la Terre.

#moralevolutionfirst #terriantimeislimitedtime #pandetoxificationisnecessary #allterriansallprotectivegods #stoptoxicitiesandfraudsinsciarts #sciartsforterraprotectivity #terraprotectivitybeforeproductivity #peacenotwar #peace #war #terra #earth

tipi 7 Sep 20

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Off your meds?


I can get behind this idea.

@LetzGetReal Your opinion is noted.

"Get up, in you there is Salvation, / You, the protective, well-doing Gods* . / Union, Terrians, in Being/ And the World will get rid of wrongs.
From Skies and Earths and Love sincere, / Patience and Genius have been formed. / As long as we have still a breathing,/ For Life's sake, let us make good Peace.
Let's come to Peace the great, / God and Serf to-assume ourselves. / The Family Terra/ We all to protect.
Peace, not war is geophylaxy,/ Parents and Children of one dream. / The Protectivity, /It is necessary to defend.

  • Gods=superior, evolving beings of Terra/Earth."

@LetzGetReal Why did you just quote part of the statement?
Gods=superior, evolving beings of Terra/Earth.
The quote clearly suggests that gods are human beings and not some supernatural forces. Humans are indeed the superior life form on planet earth and if there are gods at all it is us.
I strive for "Peace, not war, Parents and Children of one dream." How could any reasonable person not support this?

ETA: Why would you be condescending to say to me, "Have a good, unblessed day!" What did that accomplish for you?
I wish you well, success, good fortune, good health, much love and happiness in your quest for life and the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams. Take care and enjoy life every day.

@LetzGetReal Again, your opinion is noted as is mine.
You do you, I do me and let's strive to do or cause no harm in what we do.


Pardon me . I could be wrong , but I think you may have joined the wrong group .

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