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It is a beautiful weekend. Big March here in DC and I am sick. Such a bummer. Have a friend who drove up from Atlanta for the March and most likely will not be meeting him for dinner. Just laying in bed with the lap top working and napping 😟 And was told by a close relative, it is God's way of telling me to slow down LOL!

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GreatNani 8 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Back in my school daze there were about 3 kinds of flu... Now about 300... Teachers should wear masks.


A bowl do chicken soup and two aspirin will do the trick.

Yes, done that. Hoping it works its magic!

@GreatNani It's not th soup, but the noodles that have the magic value.LOL

@SageDave LOL. Not the broth? Well who knew!

Stay in lots of liquids and drink the bed. No, the other way around!


Sorry honey hope you are better soon

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 21, 2019

I've been feeling a little below the weather for about a month. Not enough to keep me down.
My son spent most of last week out of school. Throat, fatigue, a little stuffed up. ABut the same as me, but much worse.

Rest is the best medicine! Gather strength, Live another day!

twill Level 7 Sep 21, 2019

Hope you feel better soon!

Emergen-C electrolyte replacement helps me get well faster.


😔hope you feel better soon!

Thanks! I do too! Hate wasting beautiful days.


Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.


C) occupational hazard

Yes, not a message from God. 🙂

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