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Is Ricky contradicting himself in the below vid (marker 10:17, but I think it should be cued up already) then at 11:30? And secondly, is he being fair to agnostics with his Santa Clause and fairy example? .

Truthseeker1968 6 Sep 26

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It's like live and let live to me.


M' thinks hes just conveying levels of certainty. And yes, it's a fair analogy to me. At least in the case of santa claus, theres more good evidence that the myth is based on an actual person and not just some "character" created entirely by us.


I think he's being himself at 10:17 and attempting to play the role of some hypothetical agnostic, which may or may not exist (aka the straw man technique) at 11:30.


Thanks for sharing this video but unfortunately I didn't find anything contradictory.

Well I guess I just misconstrued what he said. My mistake.

@Truthseeker1968 , I enjoyed the video. The flavor is in the variety of opinions on a certain subject.

@Cecilia2018 The video is great. I love how Ricky captures the essence of depth of the irrationality of religious people.


He's not contradicting himself at all, he just has the courage to accept that without evidence we don't need to believe something.

Agnostic - a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable.

As I see it Ricky at 10:17 disparages the idea that "neither can know" then at 11:35-38 says not knowing "is fair enough". It strikes me as a contradiction. Obviously from the comments here I am missing the boat.

My apologies if my intent was not made clearer.

@Truthseeker1968 Your intent was clear, when he says "Fair enough" he means the argument that the unknowable is unknown is a sound, logical argument.


Looking for cracks in the armor, are ya? Please go away!

Rough crowd.

I have absolutely zero idea what your comment means @AnneWimsey's. Ricky is one of my all-time favorite comedians and celebrity atheists. He has some of the most poignant arguments against religion in the atheist community. I am simply asking a question.

Agnostic - a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable.

As I see it Ricky at 10:17 disparages the idea that "neither can know" then at 11:35-38 says not knowing "is fair enough". It strikes me as a contradiction. Obviously from the comment by @codycody and your's here I am missing the boat.

My apologies if my intent was not made clearer.

@Truthseeker1968 he is British, that phrase means "yes" to them.......

@AnneWimsey What phrase is that, Anne?

@Geoffrey51 ""is fair enough"

@AnneWimsey It more means okay, “I won’t argue that point” rather than a direct affirmative in the vernacular of most of us.


Santa circles the globe once a year on a specified date.
Some agnostics, I think, experience things science hasn't explained yet. If one rules out the known possibilities, left is the unknown. Maybe that is agn-lite.
Either way, it is to Santa Claus what Ricky is to Sasquatch.

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