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When asked if child abuse and sexual assault are good bad or neutral actions it seems that most people agree that abusing and assaulting others is not good, that part of the question should hopefully be easy. The intresting part is: why is it bad?
It is suprising how often the answer one will hear to this question from believers is because god says it is bad..... which really doesnt mean anything and im not really sure where god says that anyway and it makes morailty dependent on the whims of an authoritative moral dictator. A different answer to the question of why is: that past examples show for instance abusing a child leads to that child being more likely to repeat the behavior and abuse children as an adult. So it is therefore bad for society to allow that behavior as it will probably generate more of the same negative behavior and weaken society. There are probably other really good reasons too that do not rely on the necessity of god to not commit selfish actions.
Also if god (yahweh) is a supernatural being that is only capable of postivity (all-good) than how can he judge and condem people for an action such as assault (rape) when by definition of being all-good god could not possibly understand the feeling of lust.... seems pretty unjust to me for the condemer to be incapable of suffering the same fate because it is incapable of feeling that temptation
Im not trying to in any way endorse sexual assault im just saying i don't think it makes sense that a god would have the right to judge this action when it couldnt understand it completly and is therefore ignorant of the entire situation.....

Mollywhop 4 Sep 26

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There is only one reason it is wrong. Someone is being physically and mentally abused. This is not complicated in any way.

Ok but why is it wrong to physically and mentally abuse someone? Like your reason for it being wrong is because it is..... not sound. Like the whole point I was trying to make which you clearly missed is what is the reason it is wrong to do these negative actions? If your answer is just because it is, than why even answer??

@Mollywhop So in your world, there is no right or wrong? You had better be glad you live in our world, or you wouldn't have made it out of your twenties. If you are looking for other folks on this sight who are not very bright like yourself, try the Republican Atheist Group. There is a whole bunch of stupid in that group and you should feel quite at home.

@Sticks48 maybe you should try that group clown... lol... like show me where I said there is no right or wrong?? I was saying the reason behind why one considers an action right or wrong matters... obviously that is to advanced thought for your mind yet you are saying I am 'not very bright'
Also not at all sure what you mean when you say 'you had better be glad you live in our world, or you wouldn't have made it out of your twenties.'
Lol like wtf does that even mean lolol like I'm sitting here trying to figure it out but like it is just complete nonsense lol like please explain that statement.... just so incredibly stupid and ignorant yet you call me that and than try to make it political... like why bring Politics into it?? Just trying to get a negative reaction?? Please explain... also lack of an explanation to the clear questions I posed back to you is an admission of mental inferiority to the person you called stupid.......

@Mollywhop Thank you. You confirmed everything I thought about you, and showed me you can't read either. That it wrong to hurt someone is the only answer you need. You are trying to make something complicated that isn't. The answer, like you, is that simple. 🙂

@Sticks48 again lack of an explanation to the clear questions I posed back to you is an admission of mental inferiority to the person you called stupid.......

@Mollywhop I'm not calling you stupid, you are stupid. There is a difference in name calling and observation. This is observation. I can do this shit all day long. 🙂


NEVER ONCE have I heard anyone say that child abuse or sexual assault is wrong because god says its wrong. It is wrong because it is 100% socially unacceptable and illegal.

You can be an Atheist and still follow, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!"

What an ignorant post!

Come to think of it, I've not heard that from believers either. Maybe it just never came up in discussion. But there are many examples of believers beating their kids in the name of their lords or whatever.

@itsmedammit I'm not saying it never happens. And, especially what you bring up, I have seen that happen. I used to live across the street from someone like that. Church Deacon on Sunday... Beats his adopted kids for the other 6 days of the week. He has Alzheimer's now though. I am sure he doesn't remember a thing. He certainly doesn't remember me.

Cool thanks so because you NEVER ONCE heard something that means it never happens.... sound logic there..... like I also said it is bad because of the effect it has on society. But you added that because it is illegal that makes it wrong so do you also follow the logic if something is legal it is right...??? Not really sure that works to well but yea my post is the ignorant one......
Also the whole 'do unto others......' propaganda bullshit you are trying to quote makes no actual sense it is one of many psychological tricks used to get people to passively accept negative treatment from others in authoritative positions without offering resistance and actually helping the one oppressing them... maybe it is better to treat others the way they treat you because obviously that is the way they want to be treated
Tell me more how specifically my post is ignorant......

@Mollywhop You apparently have a hard time reading... And writing.

@RiverRick why is that? Help me than! Why is it apparent I am having a hard time reading... and writing?? And please don't bring up typos, not really intrested in spelling or grammatical errors, I totally concede that I am not the greatest at spelling or typing perfectly. I am intrested in the philosophical ideas that have been brought up.... so what is apparent???
Also you didn't answer the question posed to you... are you just going to ignore that? If so why respond only to try to personally offend me by attempting to insult me lol. Such pathetic behavior... I am unimpressed with you tbh.....

@Mollywhop it is apparent to all of us that you are desperate for an excuse for your wishes/actions.....good luck in Gen Pop during your sentence-serving. (And by "goodluck" I mean you get to feel what violation feels like!)


Let us just leave the god delusion out of the argument altogether! I don’t waste my time wondering why Christians believe’s their business and not mine, Abusing or sexually assaulting another person is wrong and we don’t need to know anything about god to know that. Abusing or sexually assaulting a child is abhorrent and morally reprehensible, because we inherently know this as humans.

So than you support the idea that there are certain moral principles that are absolute universal. Like there are certain actions that will always be right and certain actions that will always be wrong? And what makes it right or wrong is that 'we inherently know this as humans'
So than what if the majority of humans changed their moral stance on an issue that we had previously 'inherently known as humans' would the rightness or wrongness of the action also change based upon what the majority of what people think..... or ....... is the rightness or wrongness of an action measured in a different way than 'inherently knowing something as humans' ??
Another way to say it is if someone told you that one race or gender was inherently superior to another, after you rightly called that person a racist and sexist, you asked why he or she feels like that and the person responded that he or she 'inherently knew this as a human' would you now have to believe this or is 'inherently knowing something as a human' not a good tool to measure truth? Can 'inherently knowing something as a human' possibly lead to both true and untrue statements and if so than why use that as a justification for knowing truth?

@Mollywhop I’m afraid you lost me somewhere in that convoluted argument. But I will just make it clear once again that I believe we inherently know as humans what is morally correct...this goes back to our earliest times when it was crucial as humans to cooperate within our tribes to defend from wild animals and outsiders. If we broke the social mores we would either be killed or thrown out of the tribe to fend for ourselves in the wilderness. Because rape and assault were always considered wrong...that was why conquering armies specifically used rape as well as pillage to subdue the tribes they came to armies still do today.


Let's see, god got Mary pregnant.
Zeus kept knocking up Greek women and had little demi-gods running around.

Yeah, like gods are the moral arbiters.
Believers have no business talking about morals to anyone.

If they can't just say straight-up that it's wrong to abuse children (or anyone else)
because it's a violation of trust, an affront to basic decency, and doing so indicates
serious mental issues, they can't be trusted to be around children. Let alone raise them.


Personal autonomy? Right to remain intact? As a (long time ago) molested child, I find your question INCREDIBLY offensive! I was 2, when it started, am now 71, and my enntire life has been issues, for just one thing. And I was raped quietly and tidily in my own bed, for about 2 years, until my mother caught him at it.
No concept of gawd/gawd rules has anything to do with it....violating another person's space with your revolting "needs/wants" is not acceptable unless you think everyone owes you whatever you want. Dragging in Why it is bad in the way you are above shows me you are a person to be avoided at all costs....... evil & ugly in & of itself!

Poor darling, that's incredibly brave of you to air your sentiments in this way, hear, hear!

Anne that is such a horrible violation for anyone to endure, let alone a 2 year old baby. I am so sorry you have endured such pain.

Lol tbh I'm not even a little bit concerned if you are offended or not by what I typed. Like do you honestly think I would at all care? Like I don't know you. Lol it's crazy that you can make an abstract thought all about you. So incredibly arrogant!! Like believe it or not this post wasnt about you because I don't know you.....
Also you say that by me talking about a philosophical idea that somehow shows you that I am 'a person to be avoided at all costs' but than you are initiating contact with me by responding to a post..... like that is SO INCREDIBLY STUPID lol like if you actually believe that than why are you not following your own advice and avoiding me at all costs??? Lolol that is unbelievably stupid and literally one of the craziest things if you think of the lack of logic in what you said... why would you ever initiate contact with someone you have never spoken to and doesnt know you even exist if you felt they were someone to avoid at all costs?? I am rarely amazed at how shortsighted and ignorant people can sound but you are rare. I guess you are proof that age and intelligence don't correspond as at 71 one wouldn't expect that egregious of an error. I doubt you will answer tbh....

@Mollywhop lololol, like, tbh, you're an embarrassment so why keep talking?

@Mollywhop pedophiles Never have "abstract thoughts", they are totally focused on 1. Their Next victim 2. Justification. Oh, and they get incredibly defensive when called on their BS.....look in the mirror, lately?


Why is it wrong? Ummm.... A child can't defend themselves... The word "abuse " clearly indicates that's it's wrong...

So it is wrong in your view because a child cannot defend themselves is what you are saying? And what do you mean by defend in this sense? And does your reason for why it is wrong being the individual is defenceless apply to just children or all people?
Like saying because it has the word abuse indicates it is wrong is similar to saying that the term abuse shows us that the action is wrong, so it is a tool to identify the rightness or wrongness of an action, but it is not actually a reason for why.....

@Mollywhop abusing anyone who cannot defend themselves is wrong.. Adults included... If you don't understand what I mean by "defend " , then I can't help you.. I've read all the replies here and your comments, you don't seem to except any individual answer or to even consider all the answers as a whole in order to seek an understanding of your post...

@Cutiebeauty like you obviously can't see what is going on.... defining terms is the first step to coming to an understanding. If you really have an issue with having to define a word than why even respond?? Also I'm not asking for your help in any way so I'm not sure why you are saying you can't help me.....

Also it's really wierd when people refer to themselves as physically attractive such as CUTIEBEAUTY like I think that says a lot about the person that they would want to be refered to as that. I also feel it is probably not the move of one that is mentally healthy..... seems like a move of one trying to portray something they are not aka a liar..... to me: the lady doth protest a bit to much methinks.......

@Mollywhop wow, scaping the bottom of the barrel for excuses (nasty, indefensible excuses) for Using a child....just a charming read, here.....

@Mollywhop oh, I understand now... You're a creep! 😂😂 Very funny acting like a philosopher and now also a psychiatrist .! Making a prognosis based only on one's username... haha speaking about ones username... What philosophy course taught you that, Molly? Are you man or woman? Who's the liar now? You're a pathetic troll... Also, your post is all over the place.. It doesn't layout a philosophical inquiry at all.. It's mostly rambling... Go back to school little one 😊😊 and stop acting like you know what you're taking about... Defining terms? What a moron! 😂😂


Nothing makes sense if you try to understand it from the point of view of an imaginary being. What does god know? Understand? Feel? Think? All these questions are irrelevant because god isn't real.

Okay, why is it bad? First you are harming a human being. The long-term implications are secondary to the immediate effects. You cause physical and emotional harm to another person. There's no need to list any more reasons why it's wrong. There are no possible mitigating circumstances, and every factor that comes into play such as the nature of the offense, the vulnerability of the victim, and the naivety of a child only serve to worsen the offense.

JimG Level 8 Sep 27, 2019

I think I understand what you're saying...I think that the negative reactions to this post come from 2 things in particular (and please, keep posting. It's ok to speak your mind, even if the reaction isnt what you hoped it would be)

  1. "I'm not trying to in any way endorse sexual assault..."
    In reading over this a couple times, I actually believe you. But in giving your reason, it implies it's your best reason, whether it is or not. Even before this line, you said "There are probably other really good reasons too", so I know this isnt a simple declarative statement saying "rape is bad and this is why"
    But it seems to come across as if without God, the only reason not to do it is we don't want a bunch of rapists running around. It's TRUE, but there may be a better reason in this: all things being equal, a child will not wish rape upon themselves. There is zero chance that it is consensual and in my book that makes it evil. You don't really need other arguments. It seems akin to saying "torturing animals is bad because if everyone did it it would be really bad"...which is my other point...
  2. To ask why assault is bad and then only offer "society" means basically that "it's bad because it's bad for society", ignoring WHY ITS BAD FOR SOCIETY. Caps for emphasis only, I'm not hating on you or what you said. The answer needs to come back to the individuals it affects, their well being is the reason its bad(better words to describe this might be evil, heinous, despicable, horrific, etc...).

But you're not wrong. Christian's lack a consistent message in this but usually have to end up saying "because God says so." I think we all agree with you; that line is pure, unadulterated HORSESHIT.

Be well

Thank you for the way in which you clearly stated your points. My life would probably be at least a little easier if I had that ability to the extent you do. So....

  1. For the negative responses, you feel I did not make it clear enough in the post that I am against hurting others and so some people mistook what I was saying as a way for trying to argue it is not actually bad to rape and abuse others mixed with the fact that I kind of glossed over the reasons with 'there are probably other good reasons too' very fair point I guess I just thought people would give anyone the benefit of believing they are against that unless explicitly saying they are not. But I guess some people are looking for the conflict and are willing to manufacture it. The point you made that no child or person would wish that upon themselves is really mind expanding for me as I have never thought about it like that, maybe because i have 0 experience with this type of interaction from either side but yea that is a really good reason for why it would be wrong.
  2. So that is begging the question?
    Or 1 it is bad for society 2 the reason it is bad for society is 3 being bad for society effects the individual in this way 4 being affected this way is bad

Thank you for being nice in your response like I do want to expand my mind and I truly did not come into this at all trying to make enemies but I mean if it comes like I welcome drama like I don't believe in turning the other cheek 😜

@Mollywhop sweet deal. I know it's hard through words on a screen to Express nuance sometimes. Things that seem obvious to others arent always obvious to me, because I have literally only had the last 2 years to start redefining what my entire outlook is based on. It's a slow process but I love learning things about myself and others who have successfully navigated out of religion (or never had to wander in) This seems like a good place to talk about a lot of different things. Sorry it can be bumpy. It's still the internet and we're all human 🙂


It is wrong to act in a way that deliberately causes harm to another. People have the right to live their lives without being victimized by actions that cause pain- emotional, mental, physical... whatever type of pain.

I know you will think I didn't answer your question. I've read your responses below. However, I did answer your question... just maybe not the way you would like.


Crimes against society have as much to do with god as they have to do with broccoli.


God and religion have nothing to do with good and bad, we agnostics have an innate sense of right and wrong just like most people, those who don't are simply assholes or mentally challenged! So.........when does your case go to court?


A lot of comments here are berating the author for what they see as her condoning child abuse. Those commenters are completely missing the point. The point is not whether or not child abuse is “bad” or not. The larger point being made here is that monotheists and the deity they have created are not capable of determining the morality of ANY act. Monotheists react solely to the carrot-and-stick routine their made-up deity uses to control them, just exactly like Pavlov and his dogs. Their deity is a narcissistic asshole that demands worship, tells “believers” to forgive their enemies, and then sends HIS enemies to the fires of hell for eternity if they don’t believe in his preposterous bullshit. I think Mollywhop is merely pointing out that any sense of morality we, as humans, have has to come from something OTHER than religion.

Thank you for helping to express the idea I was trying to get to. Like I thought the connection was obvious but maybe only in my mind because I have been thinking about it maybe idk either way it's funny how you were able to say everything i was trying to in one sentence. Like that is such a good way to summarize it. Thank you again
And I also do agree it is a wordy mess 🤷♂️

Just wanted to point out that the mollywhop is a he not a she... According to his profile 😊

@Cutiebeauty Thanks. I hadn’t checked out the profile, just went by the name...sign of the times, right?


Abusing a child is wrong because it damages him/her. Who cares about what the believers think about it.

I care the reasons why


people here do not believe there are gods, the question or issue as presented is superfluous, unnecessary and to dedicate it any time is useless speculation

@MissKathleen yep, maybe I'm a sucker for useless speculations

Cool thanks for the nothing comment definitely glad you pointed that out 😵😵

@Mollywhop obviously not

This is a forum...


There is something wrong with you...get some help. And STAY AWAY from children.

You know nothing about me.... what kind of help should I get? Please be specific. And exactly why should I stay away from children? Like is the problem me or that you CantUndertstandNormalThinking

@mollywhop lololololol.

@Mollywhop you have obviously done something terribly wrong & are now looking for excuses/justification. Your increasing hysteria & aggression o normal commentary shows every normal person on here, plainly, you are Not Right! Good luck in Gen Pop.........


Ah, but god is omniscient. He knows everything.

So he knows exactly what it's like to wallow in lust and desire to commit savage rape whithout ever having wallowed in lust and desire to commit savage rape.

But if god's knowledge is absolute and perfect, how can that knowledge vary from reality? If god has absolute understanding of exactly what it is to be a rapist - exactly what it is to feel the lust, exactly what it is to hunger for the sexual power and control, exactly what it's like to want to look into terrified eyes - then how different can that be from actually desiring those things himself?

If there IS a difference between god's perception and the reality he perceives, then his perception is not accurate.


I am studying Social Sciences at degree level, so I'll treat this as a question in my fields of studies.
We humans construct social rules and norms which we as societies live by. When we step beyond those rules and norms, we are punished.
Our cultures evolve, rules and norms change. Back in the middle ages in Europe, the rule was 'old enough to bleed, old enough to seed'. Very basic biological triggers in other words, now in the west, we employ laws to protect the young, so generally the age of sexual consent sits at around 16.
In recent times it was common in the west that a husband couldn't by definition rape his wife. Now we have changed.
As for god involvement, surely it's all part of god's plan?

Definitely nailed god's involvement 😹😹


It is BAD period to hurt another human being. Hurting a child is BAD. As a rape survivor, rape HURTS, that is BAD. I'm not sure what you hoped to learn with this comment, but I think you failed completely.

And I think you have failed utterly to understand anything about the point being made in the comment. It’s not about whether any particular act is moral or not. The point is that Religion is not capable of teaching morality.

@Azatheist If the post had been more succinct about what the author was after as far as discussion perhaps more of us wouldn't have "failed utterly" in understanding this persons point. I agree with you, religion is not capable of teaching morality.


There are many passages in the bibles that clearly describe abuse as being god's will.

I want humanity to be the best species in the universe. Can't become that when limiting the potential of our progeny.


well, i would be surprised if anyone i knew said rape was bad because god said so, especially since god never said so in any book about him i am aware of, never mind his being a fictional character, which anyone who gave that answer wouldn't realize anyway. my answer would, of course, be "because it's bad to hurt people." easy peasy.


I think you are missing the point tbh like your answer 'because it's bad to hurt people' --- ok but why is it bad to hurt people? Like your answer lacks an actual reason.....

it all lacks an actual reason. you can drill down as far as you like but you still end up with "but why." i did not actually miss the point at all.



How about Yahweh's, a Canaanite war/volcano god, and his wife Asherah who was also worshiped. Never mind that 'Moses' and that exodus never happened.

I also like that Odin hung from a tree for nine days and that him and his wife Frigg procreated and Thor was just one of their offspring.


@Mollywhop I’d like to start over this conversation with you elsewhere away from all the judgement and negativity and actually have a discussion rather than to resort to something as primitive as name calling.


It's bad because the victim suffers. I don't see how that is difficult to conclude. Also, when it comes to "god" if he really existed he woud be omnipotent so he would know of the things you say he doesn't.

Gawd Level 5 Oct 6, 2019

In such discussions I don't use the words 'good' or 'bad'. They are projections.

I say I don't want to attract the sheriff's attention.


The morality to not cause such harm is instilled in us to foster peaceful co-existence. But to ensure that a choice to commit rape or abuse is not up to a person's morals, the law exists to deter this with the threat of punishment in various forms. Giving an example from the so called 'culture' the people around me cherish, around a few centuries ago there existed a practice where a woman was obliged to jump and die in the burning pyre of her husband on his death. Of course the converse never happened. But to make the point, the society deemed it morally 'right' / 'socially good' to perform such acts and there existed no law to prevent it.

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