What if Jesus was really black?
To assume possibility that he could have been a black rather than white is greater. Jew among the many black Jews that lived in those times, then Christianity would no longer be seen by so many as a racist, dogmatic and murderous "white European killing machine".
If Jesus was black with the 400 years of American black oversea slavery.
Would have black slavery happened or not?
If the inventers of Christianity lived a little South of there he would have been. Just as if Americans had been born in the middle East we'd be Muslim.
And yes, there probably still would have been slavery. That's a human fallibility thing... Just like the religion we invented.
The Islamic religion only came in being some 400+ years post the invention of Xrstianity in case you are unaware.
Islam was, historically, the invention of the belligerent, deranged mind of the vengeance driven Outcast Bedouin presumably called Muhammed (Mohammed which ever way you wish to spell it) and has NO true historical legitimacy behind it as do either Xrstianity or Judaism.
But hey, that's beside the point since IF there were a jesus then his lineage would have been either Middle Eastern thus having dark skin and Arabic style features OR even, perhaps, a Semite-Roman crossbreed with both semitic features intermingled with the North-Western olive skin complexion and Italian features as well.
If people thought Jesus were black Christianity in Europe would not have survived, imo. And yes, slavery would still have happened.
and is still happening today, if the news reports are correct.
Whatever. IF there has been a Jesus - no proof, no time machine, he would have veen a curly headed brown man of Mid-East origins.
Most likely, assuming.
Don't you mean assuming he was black rather than imaginary? A real human being born in Judea while it was under Roman control would probably have looked more like an Egyptian or Arab than the European he's usually portrayed as.
As for slavery, religion was a convenient excuse, but the real reason was greed. If religion didn't provide an excuse there would have been another.
Being a mythical character, anyone is free to imagine Jesus as whatever race he or she pleases.
I always have said, imagination is the closest to being Godlike.
We make gods out of our own image.
Assumption No. 1: The historic Jesus actually existed.
Not sure that this is actually a safe assumption to make.
Assumption No. 2: The historic Jesus was black.
This would make no actual difference, as Jesus of Christianity is probably very different from the historic Jesus, not only in looks, but in their worldviews.
Assumption No. 3: Let's assume that for some reason that Christian Jesus was accepted as black. Would this have changed anything? Maybe. But I don't think a religion makes you a racist; but rather racism shapes religious beliefs. White European killing machine would not have been deterred. They would have abandoned Jesus, but found something else as their banner god.
Think I like your assumption most.
Homo sapiens started out fighting territorial. When another tribe dress differentially , skin color different and grunted differentially.
Then Religion was born.
Each God made in their own image and own geographic area. White man being in colder climates produced the spark of technology with fire the force of life and creative.
Jesus was most likely brown. Brown people are of the earth and spirit. Most wars have been fought between whites and brown people throughout history. Like the white empires of Russians, British, and Americans. Vs. natives of the Americas, middle East and India. People in American prisons being 25% of the world's prisoners. Separate by race gangs to protect themselves for their own survival.
ASSUME (ass u me)
Just kidding
IF Jesus had actually been a real person (I don't think for one moment that he was),
he'd have been brown.
You know, like most of the people who occupy that part of the world have been.
Slavery was around before white people got a hold of it.
Black people were slaves before any of them were kidnapped and taken to
the "New World".
I am sure that an apocalyptic preacher from C1st Levant would have the same skin colouring as the inhabitants of The Levant today!
With regard to slavery, it’s roots are mercantile and political. Not likely that skin colour of any rabble-rouser would be relevant.
I don't think Christians would be any less racist if Jesus were Black. According to the Bible, Jesus was Jewish and that hasn't stopped Christians from ridiculing, slandering, torturing, and killing Jews for the past 2000 years.
The bible is a go-to-book to pick out crap (verses) to suit the those who look for a shield, like a get out of jail free card.
The Bible condones slavery among a host of other barbaric behaviors.
European Whites adopted an especially vicious practice of slavery to pursue their colonial expansion, this in spite of being intensely theocratic and guided by Christianity. And as reiterated in WWII, Christianity does not instill ethics/morality in its believers, and actually compels them to great evil.
White man came to America to be free. So they enslaved the blacks.
Columbus was not even the first white man to discover America.
Columbus was the first European to start the gold rush.
He was the First European to enslaved the natives.
First to bring Christainity.
First European to start the greatest genocide in Human history ( native Americans)
I made a pirate museum in Florida, with Columbus being the major feature. After claiming Columbus was the first pirate in North America. They threw me out of town on Columbus Day.
Then a black man asked me to build the first black history museum. I asked, are you trying to get me killed.
Thank you for spelling this out loud and clear
The guy above said it came with evolution.
Perhaps to set *himself" free.
Who knows. Christians always find a way of distorting reality to fit their beliefs.
Yep, and they also have a talent for cognitive dissonance as well.
and xtians call christianity a "reality" when you tell them it's just another form of control.
i don't understand the question. what if? he probably never existed at all, so how could he be any race or skin tone or whatever at all? but actually black jews lived in africa, particularly ethiopia, but i don't know at what historical point, whether before or after the common era. i suspect after. i don't think the jews of the pericommon era within judea were black. they may have been fairly dark-skinned compared to some europeans. they were certainly not blond and blue-eyed with fair, european-looking skin, the way jesus is most often portrayed. so no, it would not have affected slavery in the united states for jesus to have existed and been black. white people would simply have painted him the way they already do. presto white-o.
by after i mean after the onset of the common era, not after. would that there was an "after!" but we are still in the common era. religionists call it a.d. the rest of us call it c.e. of course.
I no longer try to make a case for Jesus of any color. What would it matter? Your idea of whether black slavery would have happened or not if Jesus was black is about as lame as saying if Jesus was a Jew why did the holocaust happen.
Everybody knows Jesus was Jeffrey Hunter. He was the only white man in Jerusalem.
We know that answer.
Christainity was based on war and fear tooled for control..
1.Hitler was part jewish, he hated himself.
2. Hitler was also born and died a Catholic.
3. Germans were heavily christains, the Nazi troops buckle belts wrote :God is with US:. Funny only time the US attacked white christain people is because it was their job to own the world. In God we trust
4. Jesus was against killing, unless your going to eat them.
6. Israel would be the right place for a statue of Hitler.
The only DNA race gene found in every human being is black. Meaning Jesus was part black too. Don't tell that to the KKK, number 1 hate, is Jews.
John vision
13 Among the lampstands was One like the Son of Man, dressed in a long robe, with a golden sash around His chest.
14 The hair of His head was whitelike wool, as white as snow, and His eyeswere like a blazing fire.
15 His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the roar of many waters.…
Polished bronze feet? sounds brown to me.
When Christians tell me they have witnessed Jesus. I ask, what did Jesus look like? Was he blue eyes, blonde, and white?. Or was he brown or black?
They give no answer, and expect me to give up my entire soul. Without any ID of Jesus or without mostly historical facts.
Got only one soul, noway.
This question has a lot of layers: Christianity Is a Religion, thus it can stand alone from culture but Christianity is also very much European.
Human beings fashion our gods from our own image. Therefore since Christianity was firmly established decades after Jesus' death by Europeans, the new followers did just that. In this respect, Jesus being conceived of as white is not rooted in racial superiority but instead because of the aforementioned human proclivity. Further evidence of this is found in Ethiopia, Christianity's earliest African adapters, where you can find paintings of a black Jesus.
Slavery and conquest are as old as time and was practice ubiquitously in ancient times. Slavery was mentioned and condoned in the Old Testament. The Romans believed it noble to conquer other people in order to spread the " Roman way" to the world, which included but was not limited to introducing their gods.
Christianity may not have started out European, but it is European because they introduced it to the world. In the 2000 years after establishing Christianity, especially in the first 1900 years, European history is filled with many atrocities perpetrated by them. Often times under the guise or illusion of spreading the religion to the world. This is what informs our association between Christianity and the " white European killing machine". Therefore, Christianity is seen as murderous because it was introduced by Europeans, while they were conquering and pillaging other countries. The Crusades and Inquisition also help to strengthen this association.
With Slavery and Colonialism, Christianity became racial. The concept of race may have been around for many centuries but it's modern iteration took form in the 20th Century, at the height of European colonialism. Through their conquests, they were responsible for Christian supremacy. Out of this supremacy as well as other factors, including but not limited to the fact that Christianity was European and thus "white", white supremacy was born. Stories from the Bible were used to bolster the legitimacy of white supremacy and thus they became intertwined. The Ku Klux Klan also contributed to Christianity being known as racist.
Once other "races" adapted Christianity, specifically African Americans, they began to fashion god in their own image. The concept of Black Jesus was born. Neither side wants to give up this human proclivity, as a result, the tension ensues. Coupled this with the racial history in America and Christianity's association with race is even more cemented in our minds.
Christianity stands on it own as a religion. As far as religions go it is very dogmatic. This is perhaps the biggest issue with religion. In my experience, the stronger the dogma, the stronger the possibility it can be used for evil under the illusion of doing good. In Christianity, they are strict rules to follow that leads to eternal consequences. Yes, there is salvation at the end but only if you follow the rules. Christianity's, inherent dogmatic nature, can and has countless times influence its leaders and followers to do some heinous things. Again, think of the inquisition. Christianity's dogma needs no help from it adherents other than to carry out the dogma.
In Conclusion, Christian history and European history became intertwined early in Christianity's development. Thus, we rightly associate the two histories together. Thus many of the adjectives like racist or murderous we can use to describe European history can be attributed to Christianity, whether or not these are the values that the religion espouses. Therefore my answer to your question is yes, the transatlantic slave trade would have still happened because the color of Jesus' skin had nothing to do with it. Conquest and/or colonization were on those European's minds just like the Romans before them.
First thing the Romans notice around 300AD was putting the Cross on their shelds. Meaning God is on our side. Frighten their enemies most.
How long ago was the old testament written?
Meant to ask you, how long ago was the old testament written? It seems the old and new was concocted together? If you differ please explain.
Thank you
@TimeOutForMe Based on what I know, the Old Testament was written first. Evidence of this can be found in the similarities between it and the Hebrew Bible. In fact, the Hebrew bible is the textual source of the old testament.
The diversion occurred between those who viewed Jesus as the Messiah and those who did not - remained Jews. The New Testament is the work of those that accepted Jesus in this role.
A couple of things to note. IF Christ actually lived, he was middle eastern, therefore had dark skin complexion. He was not "black" as most from central and southern Africa. The depictions of Christ as a white amn commoes from the Germans who dipicted Christ in their churches as a slender white man. If he was a carpenter, then Christ was not a slender man, but muscular. There is no real description of the man in the Bible, so we are relying on depictions made hundereds and thousands of year after his death.
3rd century painting of Jesus. Still no actual protait in his time.
Well we know Jesus, (if there was the Jesus of the Christians), was not the blond haired blue eyed guy from the cover of romance novels that we see all the time.
Slavery is another whole different question. Slavery had gone on in the world since the evolution of man.
I think a better question would be - would there be a Christian religion as we know it if Jesus were black or portrayed as black in the story?
Define "Blackness 20 Centuries ago.... ????? Waiting on your Answer.... ?????
Bronze lol
Coke created America Santa Claus , red suit and white beard. As a kid I thought he was Satan Claus.
Never went near him.
You Better Watch Out!
You Better not Cry!
Better not Pout!
I'm telling you Why!
Satan Claus is coming to your Town!
I thought it was Jesus second Coming.
One thing is for certain, Jesus was not a blue-eyed blond Caucasian.
A small possibility he was black, but almost certainly an olive-skinned semite who looked much like the millions of semites whose looks Christians have insulted and have persecuted down through the centuries.
For most of the people in US, Jesus is white blond guy. They are not gonna believe anything else