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Fox News fans lash out after legal analyst, Judge Neopolitano, agrees Trump confessed to criminal conduct

sassygirl3869 9 Oct 3

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Damn those Trumpettes hate the truth, no matter where it comes from! 😄


Pooh, I won't turn off my ad blocker. But from the intro sentence I can bet his sheeple die hards do not think trump did anything criminal. They would think that right up to the time he'd send a house painter (movie reference to the new movie The Irishman) to visit them.
These are the people that vote against their own best interest and IMHO really do not understand right from wrong, ethics or moral code.


The die-hards are going to make themselves a real problem.
They're already showing their hand.

Chip, chip, chipping away, chipping at the Mansion of Sludge......

@AnneWimsey The die-hards most definitely do not see it that way.
No matter what evidence is presented to them, and even when he comes out and says he did criminal acts, they will stubbornly continue to refuse to believe that he is anything but their savior from the evil, godless, democrats.


Oooh, is the Worm turning, ever so slightly?


Napolitano is awesome!

SCal Level 7 Oct 3, 2019

Nope, they want ads and I won't allow them.


They do not like to go without their nightly dose of brainwashing, reality confuses them.

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