Just because the Constitution does not address certain rights does not mean they do not exist.
I need to object that 40,000 people a year die of gun deaths, some of which are with automatic guns? To use the 9th amendment to allow 2nd amendment entitlement to any kind deadly weapons is insanely indifferent toward inevitable loss of life. Can't gun owners understand that to allow automatic weapon ownership will always be deadly to the innocent. Can't they be satisfied with non-automatic guns? I agree with the author that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is as important too.
Most gun owners agree; the corrupted NRA officers do not.
Never forget they were written in a time when Minding Your Own Business was a given!
Actually, the cities and towns were so small in the late 1780s that everyone knew their neighbor's business. New York City had a population of just over 33, 000 in 1790 (the first census). People would give a helping hand to their neighbors in times of need. One's rights were generally respected with the exceptions of religion, loyalty to the Crown and skin color.
@SageDave yes, but they kept their mouths shut abouti it! It was called MANNERS.
@AnneWimsey If you read the "newspapers" of the times, no they did not. The papers were quite partisan and did not hold bad on topics considered taboo today. Religion and politics were regular features in many papers. The election of 1800 showed over 100 such papers supporting either side of the then-current political issues, including the religion of candidates.
@SageDave I repeat, people had Manners, they knew to not discuss what they read in the news.