How many logical fallacies can you count?
Atheists... You're living in fog and deception
That was as painful as watching a man shove a spike through his forehead to be holly.
Atheist divorce less than all of the sec of Christainity , she is not talking facts. Jesus is not helping people in Africa anymore than Jesus visiting hell and telling them he is suffering more than they are. My last few christain girlfriends dump me because I couldn't be saved. I accepted them, but didn't accept me BS.
The fog starts from the invisible man in the sky to his possess followers who don't know shit about the planet.
Oooh, dimly, through the pearly mist, I see...The Tooth Fairy!
I made it about 22 seconds into it. I'm turned off greatly when the answer seems to be closing your eyes and then start talking to yourself. Believing in a biblical god is impossible when there is no evidence and his holy book is fabricated long after the time of Jesus.
Okay when she starts by talking to her invisible friend asking him to basically brain wash and take away the free agency of her viewers, I cannot be bothered wasting my time on the rest of this shit.