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Leviticus 20:13

“‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”

Any way you cut it, Christians are strapped to this disgraceful, egregious, hate filled and repugnant verse. This among many others verses I could quote are swept under the rug (Topeka like groups excepting) by Christians. You will never hear a sermon centering around this verse. And you will never hear them say it, but it’s just too offensive even for a sermon topic. They will decorate it with “That’s Old Testament. We live under a new covenant now”. But what they can never escape is that that verse is a quote directly from God himself. We all know we could drone in endlessly along this line of thought with other verses as well. But it just stuns me and never ceases to amaze me that anyone would subscribe to any holy book that even hinted at something as deplorable as that verse. Makes me sick!

Truthseeker1968 6 Oct 6

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Did god write the bible? It's like he had no hands. He was this giant brain that spoke to man, the true writer of the bible. He was being fed a cannabis cocktail. Ala "The Miracle worker"


Bible thumpers are notoriously skilled at "cherry-picking" bible verses to support their views!


“You will never hear a sermon centering around this verse. “

Unfortunately that’s not true: WBBC

@darthfaja You took that phrase out of context read my entire post again. And you might want to read the entire discussion between JimG and me (a few post down).

I didn’t take it out of context
That church talks about that topic endlessly

@darthfaja Yes. You took it out of context. I spent 20 solid years in the church. There are exceptions (as I noted above) like the Topeka group that do. But since you will not take a look at my discussion with JimG below I will say it again here. You WILL NOT hear sermons centered around favoring the death of homosexuals. You will not hear one, other that the groups like the one I mentioned. Pastors DO NOT talk about the deserving death of homosexuals “endlessly”. They talk about the sin of homosexuality and that it’s abhorrent. But they DO NOT center a sermon around how homosexuals should be executed. Again, you will never hear a sermon centers around this verse.


The original word used in those Leviticus verses was meant to say “man shall not lie down with young boys,” not other men. It wasn’t until a certain translation in the 80s when the word homosexual was put into the Bible. If you look in old versions of bibles in European languages before the RSV translation was put out, they all say young boys and boy molesters. It was supposed to be about pedophilia, not homosexuality. The operative part is the age of the boys, not the male on male aspect.

There’s been a lot of fuckery with translations throughout the years; I think King James maybe or one of the other monarchs responsible for funding an important translation was a self-loathing gay man himself. Every generation that’s had a hand in creating a new translation has added some of their own bias or left something out. Not that it was a perfect text to begin with but the corruption of its already dubious intent means that it all more or less means fuck all.

Nonetheless, all sex outside marriage comes under the umbrella of fornication in scripture so we can't say homosexuality among consenting adults is morally acceptable from the perspective of the scriptures. Not too many Jewish laws and customs were imposed on Gentile Christians but the prohibition on fornication was:

For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. 

  • Acts 15:28, 29.

The ancient Hebrews believed things operating to their natural purpose were holy and vice-versa. Boiling a kid goat in its mother's milk was forbidden because the purpose of milk was to nourish, not kill. Sea creatures were deemed inedible if they didn't swim like fish. It seems a strange consciousness to equate purpose with morality but maybe the real problem was in pushing it to the extreme.

The most reasonable explanation I’ve heard for the dietary rules in the Old Testament was that they noticed people eating shellfish and pork got sick more often. Cooking wasn’t as refined a science back then and their primitive ovens and lack of knowledge of bacteria often led to them undercooking those meats and getting parasites or food poisoning. Instead of understanding the problem and having a safety regulation, they thought they were being punished by god and eating those things must be sinful. Really it was just good practice if you wanted to stay healthy.

That may well be imposing a modern rationale on ancient psychology. We like to think everything in the past boiled down to survival, ignoring how sophisticated their thinking was at the time despite their lack of scientific knowledge.


i remember back in the 80's when the bible thumping goats tried to convince me that aids was God's punishment to homosexuals. When I brought up the fact that straight people get it to, they accused me of being a Devil worshiper. The moral? You can lead a Christian to the facts but you can't make it think.


So death was the punishment for many transgressions, adultery, homosexuality etc. Yet there seems to be no mention of sheep. Not being a bible reader, there might be something there. But there were so many sheepherders that any mention of putting them to death for any transgressions was probably shelved!


When someone writes a code of laws, cridtalyxing the costumes and mindset of a tribe and era um a holy text, there will always be this kind of absurd.


I think the video you posted below sums it up perfectly

I used to be the Christians in that vid. I argued the exact same way using the same words. Its as if the writers were present when I made those statements.

@Truthseeker1968 well, yeah. That's what our brainwashed thinking did for us. It made us sound like idiots! Eventually I kinda thought: "huh, it's almost a little TOO amazing to always have an explanation to everything...almost like...we just move the goalpost around until the other team gives up." LOL


Evangelicals sure do love their Old Testament, don't they? They conveniently ignore some guy named Jesus Christ (ya know.... the founder of CHRISTIANITY) because what he had to say doesn't jibe with their views.


Cherry picking by the so-called Christians at its finest. particular Bible garbage Leviticus also mentions many other crimes that most Christians fully engage in. Christians are notorious for throwing women and gays directly under the bus.

Eating shrimp, anyone?

@AnneWimsey exactly!


What a load of crap from the brainwashed who claim that the new testament is different, here's Matthew 10:34-36
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household."
Yep, that's jesus himself saying that violent shit.

You're doing exactly what Christians do with the Bible. Cherry picking it to fit your perspective.

@webbew1 here's another cherry picking for you: I don't give a flying fuck about what you think. I prefer brevity. Insert that into your stupid ass.


...disgraceful, egregious, hate filled and repugnant verse. ...something as deplorable as that verse. Makes me sick!

Sounds to me you have just as much hate.

Some people get just as sick as you when they think of some man poking his penis in someone else's anus and it being all covered in shit. This can make some people sick at just the thought. Then again, some people get sexually aroused at the thought.

Word Level 8 Oct 6, 2019

Yes. You are probably seeing a little hate bleed through on my part. The difference is my hate is all about the verse not any person or group of people people.

Does that verse not solicit the same feeling for you?


No, I hate to burst your bubble, but there are churches that preach that shit very strongly and sincerely. They may not enforce the punishment, but I seriously doubt that they wouldn't stone "offenders" if they could get away with it.

I can think of two very famous examples right off the top of my head, but I'm sure very little research would yield a significant number of examples.

While they may say there's a new covenant and Jesus changed the laws, they also say god is eternal and unchanging, and the NT quotes Jesus as saying he did not come to change the law.

JimG Level 8 Oct 6, 2019

Well I did qualify my post with “(Topeka like groups excepting)”. And if you have heard sermons that are centered around homosexuals deserving of death then it must have been a Topeka like group. I spent 15 solid years in the church (whenever the doors were open), going to Christian conferences, revivals, youth camps, literally hundreds of bible studies, etc. In all that time I never one time heard anyone utter anything about how homosexuals should be put to death, much less entire sermons about it. All I ever heard was the lifestyle was a sin, but we should love the homosexuals.

@Truthseeker1968 actually the WBC group is one of the two I could name, is that the Topeka group? The other was a minister in NC, he didn't suggest stoning gays, but his idea was to lock them up on an island so they can't produce gay children. Apparently, he thinks straight couples can't have children who aren't straight.

I haven't heard any actual sermons because I really don't waste time listening to them. The preachers I know about are the ones who present their beliefs to the media.

@Truthseeker1968 I forgot about the minister from Tennessee who was also a Sheriff's deputy/detective, and here's a link to an article that includes several names of ministers who are part of what should be termed a hate group:


@JimG Yes WBC is the Topeka group I was referring to. So back to the point I was trying to make in my initial post.
Aside from Topeka like groups you will not hear a sermon dedicated to or centered around the deserving death of homosexuals. You never will. And yet that idea is promulgated in the Bible. Preachers are supposed to preach the Bible. I suggest that this verse and others like it are too offensive even for them to preach or even adhere to quietly in the recesses of their minds. Thus they are swept under the rug and ignored. Preachers and practitioners of the Bible just cannot wrap their heads around how their ever loving, ever compassionate god could hold such a view. They play games with themselves Jim. And for what? A false sense of hope to drown out their insecurities and vulnerabilities? Give me reality and the tools to maneuver and traverse that landscape with love and compassion in my heart for others. That is what will lead to true joy, happiness and peace.

@JimG Right. I recognize that Steven Anderson. I have seen that guy preach his bullshit. Totally forgot about him.

@Truthseeker1968 I guess I understand what your saying, and you're right about the vast majority, but there are fringe idiots out there who are no better than the Islamic extremists calling for deaths of infidels. They should be acknowledged as the terrorists that they are.

I wish everyone valued reality over pleasing fairytales and real humans over imaginary gods.

Maybe you could interpret that as the (fictitious) "Jesus" saying the OT got it all wrong, that the "Golden Rule" is the fulfillment of the "law" and the only thing that really matters. Didn't "he" say that too?
Just sayin'...

@Storm1752 of course, you can interpret the bible to mean anything you want. What "god" condemns in one chapter, it endorses in another, as a believer you could cite whichever verse you want or even alternate between them.

I kind of take it for granted that most people here view my paraphrasing Jesus the same as they would view a quote from Odin or Batman.


Makes me happy that I have never read that book.

How envious I am.

I'm glad I didn't have a minister interpreting it for me when I read it.


that is a pretty interesting translation too. the original is not nearly as specific. of course the new testament and the hebrew bible are NOT the same book. anyway, the population was perceived to be pretty small and local i imagine, even smaller than it really was. i guess someone was pushing for productivity. it still sucks but the newer interpretation is worse.


As passing interest. The King James says, "if a man lie with".

@Fernapple i am not terribly familiar with any christian bibles 🙂)


@genessa I know. And boy are you not missing anything.

@Fernapple rofl yep, if i thought i was missing something, i'd surely check it out! nah, got better fish to fry 🙂)


Any translation you choose the ramifications are the same: death to homosexuals.


What makes it worse to me is that gay people who are believers still want to ignore it and continue to think they are Christian. Wake up and get the hell out of there!

Exactly. I don’t get that at all!


It is my opinion that the Old Testament is the covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrew people. It does not apply to any other people on this planet. Anything written in the old testament applies to the Hebrew people only.

My point is that the god who said that verse is the same god that Christians serve. Doesn’t matter the time frame or for whom it was directed. They serve an entity that said that at one point and has never taken it back. Serve that? NEVER!

@Truthseeker1968 they serve a nonentity who never said that. some confused people said it.


@genessa Right. That is our perspective. But it’s the Christian perspective I am addressing here. They believe in, serve and dedicate their lives to an entity that they think actually said that. It’s repulsive to me.

@Truthseeker1968 well yea, that and a lot of it, and even more that the bible never even said, ANY of the bibles, and they just say it did and some of that is disgusting too.



"A quote directly from gawd himself" ummmmmmmmmmmm.....

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