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A little over a year ago I joined this site and made a post about how rough of a year it had been since leaving the faith. I had lost my marriage of 14 years because he rejected me when I came out as skeptical of the faith. He dragged the divorce out and made it all really hard and tried to make me feel guilty about breaking up the family. We have 3 kids. But this post isn’t a sad story. I’m here to share that 3 months ago I found a wonderful man that accepts me for who I am. The kids love him and they are thriving. There is life after religion and if you are where I was a year ago keep pressing on. You will find people that accept the new you! πŸ™‚

LisaL81 7 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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My story is quite similar. My wife divorced me when I left the Moron Crutch (Mormon Church), but several years later I found a fellow atheist to whom I am now happily married. πŸ™‚


It is nice to hear that you are in a positive place. My ex-wife turned my son against me and I have hardly seen him over the past 4 years.

djs64 Level 7 Oct 6, 2019

Good for you...thanks for sharing that personal good news story. It makes a lovely change from some of the whingeing and self-pitying ones we’ve had to wade through this morning!



I'm glad for you.


THIS!!!! This is awesome!!!! Also please remember that in the end there is only one person that has to accept us...that is ourselves. Be true to yourself!!


Hats off to you Lisa. Now go be happy.


Very freaking awesome. ❀️


Thanks for taking the time to share your encouragement.


Wishing you continued happiness




Do you, f*** him

That's pretty crass of you, and there's no need to be a horse's ass! The details of her relationship with the man she now loves ain't none of your cotton pickin' business!! She's happy again and her children love him too, is all that you need to know!


IMHO I think what Uncle tried to say is:
Do you. Yourself. You’re the most important. Who cares about him. Just good on you. Then he said, β€œF*ck him.” Meaning who cares about him or what he does, thinks, or feels. IMHO

@Annabelle95991 I think you’re right however when you first look at it you think he is asking her do you have sex with him?

It doesn't look that way to me at all, even if the comma is replaced a period.

It means, do you fuck with his head. I guess that I wasn't clear enough.


I needed to see this post. I’m in the beginnings of divorce and I’m wondering if there’s a possibility for me to have a love life after this. Thanks so much for the inspiration!


You go girl πŸ‘


What a Blessed story! Praise the Lord! πŸ˜‰

And pass the ammunition.


Congrats on finding happiness after leaving bs of religion behind. I hope to find simillar happiness someday in the near future as well.


Hoping your Next Year to be Better and Better!


Congratulations Lisa! I hope you have a long happy life.


Congratulations, continued happiness and a bright future.



CS60 Level 7 Oct 6, 2019

Fantastic, thanks for sharing.


Wait, your husband of FOURTEEN DAMNED YEARS divorced you because of a belief you hold? LOL he's an idiot and a child.

I hate people who do stuff like that just to appeal to their own feelings. He's an idiot of the most culturally primitive tier.


If religion was his reason for leaving you and your family then your the better person for standing up and being open about who and what you are. I know a lot of Fundamentalists who try and enforce this.


Glad you found someone else who is not a religious fruit loop.


This indicates the power that religion holds over people in that it can come between people and destroy relationships.

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