Donald Trump,
I am a tax-paying American citizen. You are my servant.
Just thought you should know/be reminded of that.
I think we could use a write-in/twitter campaign from every woman and every one of color, reminding him he is a servant - THEIR servant. He is already losing it. Let's push him a little bit.
I am surprised that no one sees the evil humor in this.
@topdogcarl Can't hide that maturity. lol
@topdogcarl Meaning name calling is a bit childish, don't you think?
@topdogcarl I try to avoid name calling. Move along now.
Oh, sweetie, that ship sailed a long time ago...(yeah, I know just 2 years but it feels like FOREVER)
Just a little something to help drive him off the rails. He would be absolutely mortified at the notion that anyone would think he is a servant.
Trump is not fit to shine my shoes.
He is not fit for much. Nonetheless he is public servant no. 1.
Hey Donald, just go away !
I thought Donnie's head would explode if he heard anyone reefer to him as a public servant.