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So I guess being in an atheist group and having Agnostic Atheist as my religious preference somehow messed up Facebook’s algorithms, and I was show this ad. πŸ€”πŸ˜„

Apunzelle 7 Oct 11

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I love Christmas and I love Christmas carols. Billy Graham: not so much.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 12, 2019

I love Christmas caroling! Billy Graham not so much.


Ditch fakebook


The picture looks lovely. You can go or not. Just because you enjoy carols deosn't mean a thing, you can still be an atheist or agnostic or whatever.

It’s not the carols that bother me so much as Billy Graham anything.

@Apunzelle Then you need to bring a pair of ear plugs when that bit starts.


It makes sense that you would receive that ad. They think their religion is a sweet cookie that agnostics would love if only we tasted it.


It is all a big show to entertain their followers. When I was a Christian I noticed that most of the faithful had a very scant knowledge of the Bible. They showed up every week for the entertainment and to be told the "Good News" that they are going to Heaven when they die. What a fraud!


The phallic symbol is 'right on'. God is a big cock!

Please don’t equate something fake with something so very, very real. πŸ†πŸ˜„


Hehehe, you going?

Group trip? πŸ˜‚


I don’t think this is any kind of mistake or algorithm problem. I think evangelicals feel the need to β€œsave” us and they target agnostics, which they think are easier to convince since by definition they are seating on the fence and could go either way.


Are you tempted to go? 🀣


I also get ads for religious events.

I have been known to actually go to a few. But it is as frequent as I decide to go to some Sportsball event. And yet, both seem very similar.

Still I enjoy celebrating Winer Solstice just like I really enjoy heading out to corn mazes and buying a warm cup of apple cider once I make it out.


I still dig Christmas. I just ignore the religious fanatics. Facebook algorithms are funny though. I’ve seen some messed up ads. The only one I’ve never corrected is when they classified me as African American Liberal because I have an interest in going on a photo safari and daishikis, along with various African cultures. I never claimed to be anything other than human and have used my photos or pictures of art, had No intent to deceive anybody. There was no β€˜cultural appropriation.’


When I am watching YouTube, and a religious ad comes on, it makes me happy.

I deliberately let the ad play all the way through. This way the religious organization has to pay for it.


The algorithms are basic and very generalized. You follow pages that fall under a religious heading. You live in a predominantly Christian area. The algorithm is working.


Facebook algorithms have a lot to be desired. I get ads for religious events/organizations and also for far right wing propaganda groups.. neither of which inte4rests me... except to perhaps post contrary views.


Yikes that's scary, why would you get that awful crap sent to you

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 12, 2019

I didn't get that one.


Hey, I'm quite careful about grammar, punctuation and spelling, but I still get ads for Britain First and UKIP.


Facebook is very confused right now and the algorithms seem to need fine tuning. I get similar things because some of my friends are believers and FB keeps on wanting me to confirm who Debbie is. She is my step-daughter and I'm going to let Facebook figure that out on their own.

BTW, Zuckerberg has met Trump and now agrees to run some political ads that are less than truthful. We should be having lots of fun by this time next year.


I get the same kind of thing every now and then. But then I'll think, well, if they are going to invade me, meh. I'll do the same. So I comment saying some real horrible stuff. Most of the time I get blocked after that. No I see less and less of that king of thing πŸ™‚


It’s not an ad for preaching it’s an ad for a music concert by a group of professional singers...albeit carol singing, Perhaps you also indicated that you were interested in music.

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