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Atheist, what’s the most annoying or offensive thing you’ve heard from a theist?

averykings 6 Oct 14

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My kid has disabilities because I hate god.
On the other hand, god gave me a kid with disabilities because I am so special (those folks didn't know I am an atheist).

Im sorry, imagine how deluded you must be to possible of something so asinine, they’ll defend themselves by saying “it’s part of God’s plan”

@averykings , a theist friend was told her child was a punishment. She was devastated. I assured her that the speaker was just a muthufucka who should be ignored and that I'd be more than happy to go smash 'em into the ground if that would help her feel better. She laughed and assured me no violence was needed but that she'd let me know in the future.
I can't imagine how anyone can believe in such a hateful god. But then, I assume they think god agrees with everything they say or do so their god is just a bully and they love the notion.

@heymoe2001 Hey! remember God is love!


Nothing really. I have achieved peace and nothing of their ignorance can bother me. I have achieved what their 2,000 year old religion and church going cannot give them. Knowing yourself and the inner peace. I am my God. I do all kinds of sins and bless myself.

For you are SATAN!!!!



I was sandsculping at a fairgrounds. A lady came in from behind me and held my arm.
She said, that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life....
Me- Thanks

She- You know... God gave you that gift.
I just smiled again and again.
She- keept on, you know that is right. Right?
Smile again, know what?.
She- God gave you that gift, she went on&on
I said my Dad gave me this gift and with alot of very long and hard work.
She went on and on about GOD did it.. then went on and on.

It's not professional to argue with a fan.
It was like a wild West standoff of smiles and a broken parrot.

Atheists really have the patients of saints.

I'm not an atheist, just a non-believer. Yes, it would even take greater patients coming from an atheist. You would have to bite your tongue, yet not enough to bite it off.

@Castlepaloma i’ve come close to literally biting my own tongue off so many times. I hate being ‘offensive’ but sometimes it’s definitely needed.

Atheist main definition is :A lack of belief in God: I don't know why they use the word Belief. I prefer think than believe.

The word lack can mean a low degree. Since nobody can prove of disprove God. Atheist cannot be 100% certain and if the world is 99% unknowable. They have no chance of ever knowing.

So really an atheist is a agnostic with a higher degree that God does not exist.
Atheist are 2.5% and non-believers are 25% of the world population and the fastest growing group in the world.


The “most?” Had a 3 on 1 session with three of them last week. They like to ‘annoy,’ it’s how they get attention. What bothers me most is their apparent inability to acknowledge the obvious.. Dreamworld responses to on-the-ground problems. ..the way they so quickly disregard reality in order to maintain their illusions of blissful rewards in a make-believe ‘afterlife.’

Sure, as individuals, they may eventually acknowledge reality.. But their collective damage, limiting human progress, is beyond comprehension or forgiveness…

Varn Level 8 Oct 14, 2019

True story: “God is still working in your heart because knowing right from wrong only comes from him”. FFS

Be careful if they bless you.

Gee golly the rest of us, have no ethics. Lol.

Yes knowing right from wrong only comes him, because this is the same God who flooded the whole Earth and only saved animals and a drunk and his family.

What yo goin to do, with drunken sailor?


I guess luckily for me I've never been in close enough proximity to be more than annoyed. 😒

I envy you.

@averykings I blend in with the scenery.😉


One here, the other day, a drump-loving, arrogant poster stated a certain outspoken autistic young lady should "stay home & work on being normal". Disgusting, akin to drumpy making fun of that reporter during his campaign. Only against a child! I called him on it, he told me to "f myself". Just totally charming......

It’s disgusting that people attack children/young adults for being outspoken, talk about maturity levels.


Stop being condensending and bulling God!!!

How can you bully the biggest Bully?.

Christians: frantically flipping the Bible to come up with a circular argument

My brother is a pastor and we didn't talk for two years after that. We got back together on the the bases of we can agree to disagree.
You can't win an argument with a hard Christian.

@Castlepaloma Im sorry to here that, my relationship with my parents suffered tremendously after i told them I didn’t believe in God anymore.

Said to a psychiatrist.

  • Hey Doc, my brother thinks he is a chicken
    Reply Did you tell him he is not a chicken
  • I would, except my family and I, need the eggs.

Woody joke.

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