Happy news
Except evangelical numbers of unconnected churches is up. They build mega centers with gyms and all sorts of shit - daycare, etc, and worse is their indoctrination. You don't have to go to church to believe bullshit. Actually, some of the "more progressive" church writers are worried, like those who actually think, that the core tenets are changing I'm a trumpie style so as to hate outsiders and the evils of socialism, etc.
We have one in the city that feeds everyone on Wednesday night and also shops their grocery list and delivers it to the church so they will have time to do Wed services.
Only counts organized religion, does not take into account a variety of belief systems which are not organized into "Churches", nor does it address the reams of people who see themselves as "Spiritual", a term loosely equated to various mental states and emotive states.
It is a decline in organized Christians, disorganized ones will flourish for a LONG time if history tells us anything. Some pagans still pay Homage to Egyptian and Norse Gods, for the culture more than the reality I find.
People like to feel like they belong to something, to a peer group. Since Atheism is a non thing, has no beliefs and is simply a collection of people who do not believe in a God(s), it has little binding quality. Like Dawkins said "a herd of cats".
When critical thinking becomes THE standard of global society, then you will see religion die. I do not expect to see that anytime soon.
Yes, but the "spiritual but not religious" numbers are vastly on the rise.
Still an improvement, isn't it?
I don't know that it's a gateway to atheism. I consider it a form of denial. One who wants no affiliation with a particular denomination but still believes in a higher power would consider themselves spiritual. They invoke "the universe" and fate and karma. There are references to numerology, crystals, mediums, psychics, ghosts... the list goes on.
The people I know who identify as spiritual are far from atheists. They despise the label or the thought of it, but as I said they will invoke "the universe" to make things happen in their lives.
I'm familiar with spinoza's God. Not a God really.. just his definition.
And many of those 45% who say they go to church at least once a month are lying. They may go Christmas, Easter, or both...and tell themselves that's close enough to once a month to lie to a pollster.
Sometimes people tend to lie to get into better schools I’ve observed ‘think of the children’!
There is a place for religion for some people. Some folks need an invisible friend who loves them. I'm okay with that and some churches do humanitarian work. I just don't like to be discriminated against or be forced to pay their taxes.
What a very pretty picture. Love the fall colors. Makes me want to go to church.
Overall, good news but "claim no religious affiliation" is less good then "identify as lacking a belief in a supernatural (not of the natural (real)) god?"
This question does not address people who without attending organized religions, believe in his/her version of a supernatural faith based (belief without evidence) sky-daddy that tells him/her who to fear what to do etc.
I know some cristal vibration and "life force" folks. Makes the Mormons look sane.
I don’t know. Good news is something like “Scientists find cure for...”
Take everything good that comes to you. No one is asking you to choose. Take all.
@St-Sinner I don’t see this as being good or bad news.