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Is McConnell gonna be burnt toast come November 2020! And, if he is, will he go quietly or will he be the worlds greatest asshole?


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  • 6 votes
Rob1948 7 Oct 21

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I voted asshole tho I'd be hard pressed to see how he could be even more of an asshole than he already has managed. He ain't called Moscow mitch for nothin'.


He's already the world's greatest asshole. lol


Always a asshole

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 21, 2019

Asshole is all he has ever been. That will never change.


So many Repubs are vying for that honor, it's hard to pick a favorite!


He has already survived way too long so I am not holding my breath. Of course he will be an asshole, he doesn't know how to be anything else.

18% approval is very low and, Iā€™m sure, worse than ever.

@Rob1948 But the big money he gets from so many places allows him to take over the airwaves šŸ˜Ÿ Plus a wife allots him millions for this pitiful state.
Last year he shot down a bill for infra structure. Election coming next year and he is all over it. happens every time.

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