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Kid monitoring. I just talked with a woman who has an app that monitors her 16 yr old daughter. She knows where she is, when she's driving, how fast she's driving etc. While I understand why a parent may want all those things, I still think it's pretty intrusive. When thinking about it, think about when you were a kid and what you would have thought about it. Yeah, yeah, they're kids and they don't have to like it and they don't get a say, but does that make it right for more than just safety?

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lerlo 8 Oct 26

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If the parent bought the car and the phone, the parent gets to make the rules


Would the monitors like to be monitored by the government? Did they not read 1984 when they were at school?

As adults they should be introduced to the work of Michel Foucault and then be shown the psychological mechanics of Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon.

Then apply those principles to themselves. At that point they should consider if this is beneficial action for the child or a cure for their own paranoia.

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