12 5

UPDATE: I called the SOAR program that he’s in and reported him. The guy told me he will take care of it. Shows him not to be an ass to people just because they don’t share the same beliefs as him. 😊

This guy came into the travel stop I work at yesterday and asked for my number, I told him I didn’t think I was able to give it out (a lie), and he bought a lighter and said to write my number on the receipt. I should’ve said no but I’m always scared to reject men because of how hateful they tend to act. I figured he’d drop it when I said I don’t date. Well this is how that ended. Can’t wait to see him in “Hell” with the rest of the fake “Christians”.

For some reason it won’t post my screenshots in order. It goes 2,3,1,4.

1EarthLovingGal 7 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Uh....why not just say no?


For future reference, there are fake phone numbers you can give out.

(646) 926-6614: The Mary Sue Rejection Hotline, which will say, “Oh hello there. If you’re hearing this message, you’ve made a woman feel unsafe and/or disrespected. Please learn to take no for an answer and respect women’s emotional and physical autonomy. K THANKKS.” Best of all, it’ll send texts as well, and waits an hour to send the text once it’s received one so you have time to bounce.

(719) 266-2837: Call and Oates, which lets callers pick a classic Hall and Oates song to play.

(605) 475-6968: The Rejection Hotline, which politely explains to the individual that whoever gave them this number is not into them.

(888) 447-5594: An easter egg hotline for finishing the first God of War. “By the gods, you’ve done it!”

(206) 569-5829: The Loser Line, a Seattle radio station phone number that rejected people can call and leave a message. Those recorded messages will sometimes air during the station’s morning show.

(630) 296-7536: Boothworld Industries, a phone number for a creepy augmented reality game created by horror writer Cristopher Bloodworth.

I never give out my number I tell guys I do not give out my number and I do not.... i give them an email instead... very rarely do they use it though XD



"Show me one contradiction..." Hold my beer.


You don't have to lie. You can just say I am currently in a relationship. That is not a lie you are in a relationship with yourself. Self improvement, self -love. That is not a lie.

@1EarthLovingGal glad it helps! It is unfortunate that can not hear you are not interested. If it makes them feel better to think there is someone else in your life, well there is. It is you!


Oh man ! U cut him off b4 sending him a pic of Satan ??? U killing me !!! I will had send him a Satan pic or something similar first !!!!! 😂😂😂


Mentions church and then immediately asks if you're DTF! Also says I'm not trying to make you believe one way or another. Then says it's ok it's your eternity. LMAO what an ass!


As is usual you know the bible better than a Christian.... Seems that is the one book that makes Christians into atheists....


Lol. I think he's probably feeling lucky he escaped a woman who is clearly a great deal more intelligent than he is - and I hope you feel lucky you escaped a man who can't cope with that!

Jnei Level 8 Oct 27, 2019

@1EarthLovingGal I know exactly what you mean! 🙂

@1EarthLovingGal Maybe you just need to meet the right person for you males or female. You might want to watch yourself in Colorado too there is a very high concentration of right-wing Christian nutjobs there as well...

@1EarthLovingGal Just be sure to watch who you hang out with and you should be fine. Remember you have a friend here if you ever get out this way who has your back.


Poor honey , you are very attractive woman i in the bible belt,that is a tough place to be . The guys are very Christian and too ignorant to think that someone wouldn't want t them. And it would be sticky to say no god or atheist, or have a sense of humor and say Satanist . Can say I'm seeing someone,or something stupid like that

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2019

@1EarthLovingGal is manager understanding? Tell them you are getting hit on and want to be respectful

@1EarthLovingGal just be careful, lie and be unavailable to the guys and be patient, you are young and have time

You won't lie to a stranger to protect yourself?

What.... are you religious or something?!?!?!?!?!

I would have told the bozo "I hit the silent alarm, the police will be here in 3 minutes. GET LOST"

@1EarthLovingGal You seriously need to learn to lie to stranger men, heck even men you know, if they do not respect your boundaries... him not accepting your No was a red flag and you need to be aware of these red flags in the future.... if not at work, then outside of work.... last thing you'd want is to end up dating a narcissist just because you cannot handle a little lie.


Totaly uncool on his part.


That white on green is impossible for me to read... 😞


I am an outside sales rep. I always had business cards. With the event of Me Too we have no business cards and I have been instructed not to give my phone number out to customers. Times have changed!

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