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Dresses my ass! Along with every other outdated gender norm...


RavenCT 9 Oct 29

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I know exactly the last time I wore a dress, and a skirt. And given my druthers I won't wear one again. I don't think the government has any business legislating what we wear, except for members of the uniformed services.

Me too... it was at a wedding... next time it will be a pant suit. I just don't like dresses a whole lot.

(See parochial school uniform days...).

@RavenCT Mine were weddings also, oldest and youngest daughters.


Catholic school flashback of freezing my arse off in a New England winter because of gender inequality!


I think these kinds of cases should be dealt with in a more generalized manner. To wit, when and to what extent an employer or a school or whatever can dictate a dress code. In my opinion, any kind of dress code should be gender-neutral, which is in keeping with the equal protection clause.


They’re all throwbacks...probably all inbreds too!


Milquetoast Mike Pence and the handmaid gang.

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