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Happy Impeachment Hearing Day everyone! It has begun! Woohoo! Any thoughts or predictions on the outcome? Will it make a difference? I think so...

Cutiebeauty 9 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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No predictions waiting on Senate

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 14, 2019

I have no idea what will happen and I refuse to predict the future. I will only deal with what should happen and focus on that instead. People predicted Clinton winning in 2016. People predicted that the Mueller Report was going to take down Trump. People predict all kinds of things instead of talking about what "should" happen and I think that weakens the momentum to do what should be done.

So, what should happen is that the POTUS is impeached, honorable law abiding lawmakers should vote to impeach based on the facts and the evidence provided and those lawmakers who help to hide or mitigate his crimes should be be prosecuted for being accessories after the fact. After the impeachment, the Senate should have a trial, look at the evidence and the facts and remove him from office for his demonstrable criminal acts as POTUS.

Three months ago people "predicted" that Nancy Pelosi wouldn't get enough Democrats to agree on impeachment hearings and people should get over it and worry about winning the 2020 election. Well, all those predictions were wrong and now the crystal ball readers have moved the goal post to "the Senate won't convict". When these prognosticators predict a lotto winner I'll consider they're predictive powers to be possibly credible, until then they have as much evidence for their predictions as theists have for gods.

Good Answer, thanks




The damage is already done.


Who the fuck would take nude photos of Donald Trump?

No idea why do you ask?

@Cutiebeauty Trump's people are saying someone is trying to get nude photos of him which is bullshit.


Sorry, no difference. Just like the trumpers ignore the idiotic and bad things he does daily because then they would have to defend them and they can't, they, like the president who says he isnt watching, will not watch and just hold the party line that it's all b.s. The senate will not convict him because trump has threatened all republicans and they are terrified of their loss of money on the off chance he is re-elected. I went out with a woman recently who said she voted for trump because he's a good businessman. Does she care about his bankruptcies? Does she care that he ran a bogus university? Does she care that a court just ordered him to pay $2 million in restitution because he improperly ran a foundation? The first two witnesses laid out the whole case--he BRIBED the president of Ukraine. What they probably won't mention in the hearing is that there is no "attempted bribery." Bribery is "the OFFERING, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty." You don't have to follow through or complete it. The offer constitutes the crime. For instance if you say to a cop that stops you for a traffic ticket, "if you let me go I'll write a check to the Fraternal Oder of Police in the amount of $5000," and the cop writes you a ticket anyway and you still give $5000 to the Fraternal Order of Police, you still committed bribery. Just because the cop didnt take the bribe and you paid him anyway.

lerlo Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

Every single business he started has failed. He has lost more money than the value of Fort Knox! 4 bankruptcies and counting. No wonder his only recourse is to take bribes from Russia and the NRA. They own him. Oh, gosh, I could never date a trumper. I'm so sorry you had that experience.


It's horrifying to Hear what has been done in Our name.


I predict Cheeto Chump will be impeached, but not removed. I am enjoying Ambassador Taylor's sober and detailed testimony now. I hope the masses are intelligent enough to process the truth.


Hope so, anybody with half a brain will see these very credible witnesses and realize, if they haven't by now, that the orange turd is a thug and a criminal. Those brainless will be unmoved.

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